Chapter 31 | Burn It To Ashes

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“I DON'T LIKE girls like you,” I hiss sourly. I jab her in the nose again before pulling my fist back for another punch. She staggers back a bit before I land a punch on her jaw. Her friends move away from her, scared they might be next.

My knuckles crack against her jaw as I throw a third punch. She falls on her back. “Before you go calling people whores, make sure the other person can't beat your ass,” I seethe down at her.

I drive my sneaker into her spine and her back arches into a 'C' shape as she screams out in agony. The guys watch on as I kick her again and red marks begin to form on her pale skin.

“Stop!” She pleads as she tries to crawl away from me, but I grab her hair and begin to drag her by her damn extensions.

She tries fighting out of my hold, so I bury my knee in the side of her head. Her body becomes limp as I continue dragging her. I roll my eyes because she's almost unconscious, and I haven't done much damage yet.

I release her hair, and she lays on the wet grass with her eyes partially open. I slap her across the face, and her eyes snap open. “Look at me, Chrissy,” I laugh while straddling her stomach.

Her eyes battle to stay open, so I slap her again. I hold her chin up so she looks directly into my eyes. “I'm sorry, ok?” She mumbles while trying to move her face out of my tight grip.

“Sorry doesn't cut it,” I mutter before letting go of her chin.

I lift my fist and wink at her before bringing my fist down against her jaw over and over again. My knuckles begin to hurt after a few more punches, but I pull my fist back again, wanting to cause more damage.

I want to see blood.

Fiamma...” My mind shuts down at the sound of his low, silky voice. I take a moment to gather my thoughts, thinking that my mind is just playing games with me. “Mio fiamma...”

I slowly drop my fist by my side, and my eyes begin to water. I slowly lift my gaze to see Vincenzo standing a few feet away from me with his hands in the pockets of his slacks. “Baby, what's going on?” He asks gently while stepping closer, pulling his hands out of his pockets.

I climb off Chrissy and almost run into his arms, but I hold myself back. “She said that I'm a fuck toy and called me whore...” The words sting and it's not even the first time someone has said something like this to me.  “She even slapped me,” I mutter lowly.

His fiery red eyes are solid with anger. “I see...” he trails off while looking down at Chrissy then at my bloodied hand.

“Oh sorellina, let's go home, ?” Riccardo softly says, and I slowly nod, walking over to him and Lorenzo. The pair hold me close as they lead me out of the now quiet college party. Vincenzo follows closely behind us, but I don't even have the energy to say anything else to him.

What would I even say?

We make it out to their cars, and the pair gives me some space. They step away, letting Vincenzo stand in front of me. I turn my gaze away from him and fold my arms. “Can you just take me home? I'm not in the mood for that conversation,” I whisper, and he surprisingly agrees without a fight.

· · · · ·

“Would you just talk to me?” He practically demands, and I scoff. No matter how badly I want to speak to him, I can't just give in so easily.

I don't even think nor care about my own safety as I pull the door to a moving car open. Vincenzo slams the brakes, and I jump out, almost falling. My racing feelings are overwhelming me right now, and I just want to run away from them – quite literally.

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