Chapter 32 | Something From A Fairytale

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I look over at Nyx, who hasn’t looked at me even once ever since we climbed into the car. I’ve had her back in my life for the past two weeks, but it’s like she isn’t physically me with me.  

She doesn’t look at me when she decides to leave her bedroom, which she barely does. She tries to evade all of my attempts at conversations with her. She doesn’t let me touch her in any manner.

I’ve tried apologising in all kinds of ways, and all she has done is nod and go back to her room with no response. It feels like I’m getting farther away from her forgiveness, and I’m starting to worry that I might never get her back.

I mark my car outside the restaurant she’s been wanting to come to for months. She used to talk about it at the beginning of our relationship, so this is honestly my last idea on how to get to at least talk to me again. If this doesn’t work, then I might start googling what to do next.

Pulling the key out of the ignition, I pull my door open and climb out of the car. I rushed around the front to open her door before she could do it herself. She rolls her eyes but with a small smile as I hold my hand out to her. “Chivalry isn’t dead, I guess,” she comments as she places her hand in my own.

I give her a cheesy smile as I wrap my hand around her soft, smaller hand. She throws her tempting, long legs out of the car, and I let my eyes greedily travel over her bare leg thanks to the high cut slit of her luxurious dress.

She lowers her head as she climbs out of my car. I close the car door behind her and pull her closer to my side. I feel her try to shy away from my touch, but I’m not letting that bullshit happen anymore. I hold onto her tighter. She tilts her head up to look me in the eye.

Her eyes are perfect.

“You’re so beautiful,” I say for probably the millionth time since we left the penthouse, but she hasn’t said a thing about it even once. This woman can have a heart of stone when she wants, but I won’t stop digging for the gold.

She radiates natural beauty, but she isn’t just beautiful. No, she’s also smart, and her personality has so many levels to it, making her such a great woman to speak to and spend time with.

I don’t know why I was so foolish to leave her like that. I almost lost the great thing that has ever happened to me because I got my feelings hurt when she told me the truth.

I lower my hand to her waist and watch her face closely for any warning signals, but she a small smile begins to form on her lips, something I’ve missed seeing in so long. I pull her to my side, and we begin our walk to the restaurant.

The hostess smiles widely at the sight of me, and I chuckle a little. I called in a few nights ago to arrange something extra special for Nyx, and the hostess, Myra, was more than happy to help me win my woman heart’s back.

The hostess’ eyes light up like a bunch of fireworks when her gaze moves to the magnificent woman beside me. “Mister Martinelli,” she says all giddy as we stand in front of her

Nyx closely eyes the peppy woman with green crawling into her gaze. Oblivious to my woman’s gaze, the hostess keeps a wide smile on her face.

“Nyx, this is Myra, the hostess. She was more than happy to organise our dinner for us,” I say to my woman.

She relaxes a little, and her dagger like gaze disappears. “Nice to meet you, Myra,” she says sweetly as she holds her hand out to Myra.

Myra gladly takes hold of her hand, and they share a quick handshake. “I’ll show you to your table,” Myra says, and I nod.

I keep my arm around Nyx’s waist, and she leans into me as we walk. We follow behind Myra as she leads us through the restaurant to the staircase leading to the roof.

We walk up the stairs and Nyx’s brows furrow as we climb further up the stairs, away from the busy restaurant below. “I have something a little special for us,” I whisper next to her head.

Nyx looks up at me with a bright smile, momentarily putting me in a trance. Myra opens the door to the roof and walks up first. We follow her, and Nyx’s eyes widen when she sees what I’ve done for her.

I’m surprised the rose petals haven’t blown away because it was a bit windy earlier. Red petals cover the floor with two lines of small lanterns leading up to our table, almost like a runway. Our table is surrounded by a wall of white flowers with fairy lights spun between the dark green vines and leaves.

“The man rented the entire roof for just the both of you,” Myra tells Nyx with a cheeky smile.

She looks around in absolute awe, and I take this time to look at her. She’s so – even beyond – breathtaking. I can feel my restraints withering away.

I’ve never been one to go out on dates, but I just had to make this one extra special. I’ve never put this much effort in a date before, but I would do this and much more for her.

Myra leaves us, and I smile at her. I slip my hand to Nyx’s hand, and she looks up at me with wide eyes. I lead us to the table, her face still in awe of the scenery around us. I pull her chair out and snap out of it.

I grew up with my mother and aunt for the most part, and they practically drilled the idea of how to treat a woman into my head. I know I fucked up by hurting Nyx’s feelings with my foolishness, but I’m not going to fuck up the second chance she has granted me.

It’s cute seeing Nyx’s happy smile for the first time in a while. “It looks like something from a fairy-tale,” she whispers as she takes another look around is. She brings her gaze to me, a shy smile on her beautiful face.

I reach over the table and place my open hand in front of her. She looks at my hand for a moment before bringing her own closer. She places her hand in mine and I wrap my fingers around it. “And in this fairy-tale, you’re my queen,” I say boldly and her smile widens.


the man trying hard to win her back

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