🌹Part 3A : Chapter Six

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Episode - Visionary (Takes place durning, and after, but not actually part of the episode)
Third Person POV

Lillian tilted her head sideways as she stared at a painting she was doing before shaking her head.


"Yes, my Goddess?" George asked as he walked into the room, him and Frank have pretty much moved in with her -- to make sure she continues taking care of herself -- and she doesn't mind.

"Does this look familiar to you?" Lillian asked, it's the painting she's been working on for a bit over a week.

"No, would you like me ask Frank?"

"Yes please, he might know." George nodded before leaving the room, only to return with his husband.

"I don't know what that is, sorry, my Goddess."

"That is okay, I'm sure we'll figure it out later." Lillian hummed before going back to adding to her painting.

"Would you like some food?" Frank asked, both Lillian and George call Frank mother hen much to Frank's amusement.

"No thank you."

"My Goddess, you haven't eaten in days." Frank said and Lillian shrugged.

"I haven't been hungry." Lillian mused before adding more red to the painting. Loud knocking rang threw and George softly excused himself to answer the door.

"Catina is here, my Goddess."

"She prefers Allison, George. Thank you." Lillian nodded before the two Kraugerys left the twins alone. "What do you want, Allison?"

"You let them call you my Goddess?" Allison asked.

"Yes, I do. They like it and can do what they please. I may have created them but I am not a dictator, I don't control them." Lillian bluntly answered as she continued painting. "Now what do you want?" Lillian asked and Allison stayed silent as Lillian painted.

"What are you making?" Allison asked and Lillian shrugged.

"I don't know, I've just been dreaming strange things so I decided to paint it. I have a chair over there if you wanted to sit down." Lillian offered as she pointed to her desk chair, she's in the process of making this into an office/art room. Allison nodded before sitting down and pulled out her phone. Allison called Stiles, after silencing her phone so Lillian wouldn't know.

"Allison?" Stiles asked confused, his voice not coming threw and Allison put a finger over her mouth before flipping the camera, showing off Lillian painting in a white linen dress she made. Stiles relaxed upon seeing Lillian painting. "Thank you." Stiles said and Allison sent him a thumbs up, blocking Lillian's body to do it. Allison lowered her hand as Stiles stared at Lillian.

"So do you know if we have bio-parents?"

"Dead, died the day we where born. Mother in child birth. Father in murder." Allison chuckled at the way Lillian said 'murder'. "I can take you to their graves."

"Yeah, that be great." Allison agreed before asking, "Do you visit them often?"

"No, I did when my parents where alive. We'd visit them once or twice a year but I was never interested in it, my parents are my parents not the people who gave me life." Lillian said as she tilted her head to stare at the painting again. Lillian softly nodded to herself before picking up a feather paintbrush.

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