🌹Part Two : Chapter Eleven

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Episode - Battlefield & Master Plan (Based on the episodes)
Lillian's POV

"I have been on hold for forty minutes and I just wanted to ask one question." I huffed.

"And what would that question be?"

"How much would it cost to get over three hundred paintings from over five hundred years ago cleaned?"

"How do you know they are from over five hundred years ago?"

"The paint used, mostly. It was a very old style of making paint." I answered.

"How would you know?"

"Can I just bring you one for you to evaluate?"

"Of course, how's today at 5pm."

"That works perfectly with me." I answered before scribbling on my wrist, Saturday, 5pm.

"See you today."

Thank you, goodbye. Have a lovely day." The lady hung up the phone, "Rude."

"Hi, baby. You're turn."

"Do I have to?"

"Yeah, it's what happens when you aim a gun at someone and get held hostage."

"Fine." I sighed before kissing Stiles and walked inside Marin's office.

"Lillian, it's been awhile." Marin greeted as I sat across from her. "How have you been?"


"What happened to your cheek?"

"I got in a fight." I lied before adding, "You should see the other guy."

"Have you talked with any of your friends?"

"Who do you think are my friends?"

"Scott, Lydia, and Allison."

"Scott hates me. Lydia told me that my parents killed themselves to get away from me. And Allison has been ignoring me since she started hanging out with Lydia. So I think that answer is no."

"And things between you and Stiles?"

"Perfectly fine, we recently went on an all day date. Went to a lighthouse, national park for a walk, and a museum before a nice dinner where you had to dress up like you where from the fifties."

"Did you do your hair?"

"No, would have taken to much time. Do you see how much hair I have?" I sarcastically asked as I lifted my hair up. "Bitch is thick and curly. Fight me."

"Feeling violent today?"

"I feel violent every day. It comes with the territory of being chaos incarnete." Marin looked confused.

"What does that mean?"

"Right because the sister of Allen Deaton wouldn't know what I mean. After all he worked with Thalia Hale and her 'family'." I sassed putting air quotes around family.

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