🌹Part 3A : Chapter Three

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Episode - Fireflies (Takes place in) & Unleashed
Third Person POV
~With Lillian~

Lillian was driving around Beacon Hills, furious at Stiles. Lillian stopped and grew confused as to why she was at the pool.

"Nope." Was all she said before she backed up and called Stiles.

"Lils? Baby, what's wrong?"

"There is a dead body at the pool and I am driving the other way, because fuck that." Lillian answered before hanging up.

"You can't hang up on me I have a few questions, love." Stiles huffed as Lillian answered her phone. "How do you know there is a dead body at the pool?"

"Just do. I should go so you can wait for your bitch to call."

"Bitch? Baby, you know I'm not seeing Lydia, nor do I have any desire to."

"Yet you know exactly who I was talking about." Lillian said before she hung up again and put her phone on 'do not disturb'.

Lillian drove back to the castle and stormed inside, she was not happy and didn't know how to describe how she was feeling. She took her phone off silent mode and immediately Stiles' conntact popped up. Lillian let out a scream as she threw her phone across the thrown room, slamming it against the wall. Lillian took a few deep breaths before walking over to her thrown and collapsing on it, as she ran a hand over her mouth.

"My Goddess?"

"I'm fine, George." Lillian sighed as she stared at the ground, still with her hand on her mouth.

"Are you possitive?" George asked and Lillian nodded.

"May I have some tea, please?" Lillian asked and George nodded before leaving her alone. She wiped tears off her face before getting up.

"Where are you going?" George asked and Lillian let out a hum.

"The sun room. I would like to paint for a little while, maybe that will help." George nodded before placing a hand on the side of Lillian's head.

"Of course, I will bring you your tea."

"Thank you." Lillian hummed before getting up and walking to her sun room.


"George?" Stiles called as he walked into the thrown room, his glance trailing to the smashed phone.

"What did you do this time to make Daciana upset?" George asked and Stiles sighed.

"Well," Stiles sighed as he tilted his head to the side, "you know how we where trying to find a way to bring Richie back, even if only for a few hours?" George nodded. "I found a way and told Lillian I wouldn't leave and we could do the spell for the night but I left before we even started." George sighed before pointing to the door behing the larger thrown.

"Sun room, I will be in soon with tea for her and some snacks." Stiles nodded before walking to the sun room. Stiles smiled when he saw Lillian painting. His smile grew as he leaned against the doorframe, resting his head on the frame.

Dievīgs - Becoming God (Version 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن