🌹Part 3A : Chapter One

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Episode - Tattoo (Based on)
Third Person POV

Lillian roamed around the woods, in Portland, as her mind wondered to a week into summer.

Fourish months ago

"Baby, we need to talk." Stiles said as he walked into Lillian's room. Lillian sat up and looked at Stiles as he sat at her feet. "I know you don't want to be with me anymore, and I've been trying my damned hardest to keep you but I can't keep doing that to you. It's not fair, you look miserable all the time and I hate it..." Stiles looked down as Lillian stared at him. "I'll make you a deal, my love." Stiles looked back at Lillian. "You wanna break up, and I want you happy, but I need a few things from you so I know I won't lose you forever, okay?"

"Okay." Lillian softly said.

"If you wake up in a different place then where you went to bed, you call or text me... Just to let me know you are okay, or if you want me to come get you because I will. I will drop everything to come get you." Stiles started as he grabbed Lillian's hands, "You need to talk to someone, it doesn't have to be me but you have to talk to someone about your dreams. If you can't sleep you come to me, I'll help you fall asleep... You know I can. If you just wanna go on a drive with me, just ask and I'll say yes." Stiles gently rubbed her hands with his thumbs. "I just want you happy and unfortunately that's not with me right now." Lillian looked all over his face.

"What about you?" Lillian softly asked and Stiles sighed.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, I won't be happy for a while... Or deliriously happy like I am with you." Stiles sighed before adding, "We'll have a six month waiting period before either can start dating, can we agree to that?" Lillian nodded.

"I can agree to that."

"Then in a year, if niether of us are dating, we circle back to us being together."

"Okay, I can agree to that."

"Really?" Stiles asked sounding surprised and Lillian nodded. "Okay good, so for right now we'll break up, my love." Lillian nodded before leaning closer and kissing Stiles. He let out a hum as he kissed back. "I love you. I will always love you." Stiles whispered and Lillian nodded.

"I love you, Stiles." Stiles gave a small, sad smile.

"I know, my love." Stiles whispered before kissing her knuckles. "I know, you show it in so many ways." Stiles nodded before getting up. "I'll leave you be, now, love." Lillian nodded before moving to lay back down.


Lillian rubbed her arms before turning around and left the woods, only to come face to face with a creature.

"You're pretty."

"And you're gonna go knell by that tree until I say you can get up." Lillian ordered and the creature walked to the tree Lillian pointed to and knelled facing it. "Thank you." Lillian hummed before pulling out her phone and called an adult.

"Lillian? It's two in the morning, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Slept teleported to Portland, again, this creepy creature called me pretty so he's knelling in front of a tree." Lillian answered and Rosalee let out a hum.

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