The cat is out of the bag

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It was 3 weeks that I was now together with Bakugo and Todoroki and accepted the truth of them being my mates. I mean it wasn't that bad after all and so I just left it be. They were nice after all. Besides that I needed the 3 weeks to think about stuffs. Something had to be done and I wasn't sure what I should do but one thing was clear. Since I did had the Yagi name now, I also had his power behind my back.

In these 3 weeks I also evaluated his character and tried to find out if he was trustworthy enough to be an alley. He seemed nice and in all the 3 weeks he supported me fully. Of course I tried to ask him his opinion about wolfs and he told me the same thing as Bakugo and Todoroki. After that I started questions with what if and it turned out that he was rather accepting too.

Today was no other, I did the same thing I did every morning only that today I planned on asking him for help officially. There were things I couldn't do as Fenrir and getting rid of the hero commission as well as changing peoples believes was one thing.

Me: Yagi-san?

Yagi: How many times do I have to tell you to call me Dad.

Me: Sorry ahm Dad, can I ask you something?

Yagi: Werewolf related again.

Me: Mh.

Yagi: Sure.

Me: What would you do if I would be a werewolf?

Yagi: Since I adopted you and took you in, I would care for you the way I did up until now why are you asking this when you are one of us obviously.

Me: Are you sure?

Yagi: Yes.

Me: Well... I have to confess something to you.

Yagi: hm?

Me: I am part werewolf.

Yagi: Hahaha this is a-

Before he could say anything more, I released my ears and tails and showed it to him. He seemed quite shocked at first but after that he stood up from the place he was sitting and came to me. I was so sure he would hit me but instead he just petted my ears and my head.

Yagi: My son... You don't have to be scared of me.

Me: You really...

Yagi: I had a hunch you were different when I took you in.

Me: How so?

Yagi: You acted a bit unusual which would be normal seeing how you were on the streets but it seemed a bit too wild for me.

Me: Really?

Yagi: yes. I still love you the way you are in a parental way. You deserve all the love you need and as you see I never had a child and am very happy to have you at my side.

Me: Thank you!

I couldn't help it but hug this huge vampire who basically just confessed his love to me as a parent. It wasn't as if I didn't get where he were coming. I mean werewolves needed a pack but for vampires a clan was everything and he was all alone without a soulmate too.

In the end I ended up hugging him and we stayed like this for a while until he let go of me and we both went over to the couch where we sat down in order to talk a bit more together. There was just something that we had to say to each other and it was the truth. I had to tell him what was going on and I needed his help.

Yagi: I assume this is why you asked soo much about werewolfs.

Me: Mh.

Yagi: What is your ability my son.

Me: Ice.

Yagi: A fine ability you have.

Me: Thanks... ahm I need your help dad.

Yagi: Go on.

Me: I know that the hero commission I mean the vampire head commission is spreading wrong rumors about wolfs and vampires. We are not what you think we are and we never attack without being attacked.

Yagi: I see.

Me: Do you think we can change that?

Yagi: We will and I got the man or rat to help us out.

Me: You don't think about Nezu right now do you?

Yagi: I do.

Me: Why him?

Yagi: He has a grudge against them and will be most likely helping us but my son, I also would like it if the Todoroki's as well as the Bakugo's would join this fight. This way you will get what you need more easily.

Me: I see. I'll ask them when I see both of them next time.

Yagi: Why not call them over?

Me: Huh?

Yagi: Don't be shy my son. They are your soulmates and not having one gives me more of an insight of how much they are attached to you and yearning for your attention.

Me: Is it that bad with soulmates.

Yagi: They are parts of us. Of course it will be like that.

Me: I see.... I'll call them over then.

Now that this was decided, I did as my father said and called Todoroki as well as Bakugo over. They came without even questioning. It was also quite funny because they came the moment I said "can you come over" That was all it took for them to get here not even leaving me to speak out and tell them the whole story.

This was also one of the reasons why they were surprised to see me with my wolf ears peaking out when I opened the door.

Todoroki: You told him huh?

Me: Mh!

Bakugo: And he is fucking okay with this?

Me: Mh!

Bakugo: Good! I would have fucking killed him.

Me: Kacchan don't be like this.

Todoroki: I would have casually joined him tho.

Me: Shochan no.

Bakugo: So why did you call us over?

Just like that I explained them everything that happened and asked them for help. We might be soulmates but we were also not that familiar with each other and even though I felt the bond, I wasn't this attached to them how they are to me and I could feel it. Still I was sure to treasure what I had and never let it go again because this was making me feel addicted to the love I received.

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