Why simple... complicated is better!

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He... My soulmate?!







I was starting to freak out that was when Bakugo hugged me even more and I could smell this vampires scent. It was smoothing and calming at the same time. I liked it a lot and so I calmed down before he would release me and we both stood up.

Yagi: I am happy you found your other half my boy. AND you! Hurt him just a little bit and there will be war.

Bakugo: I understand you old man.

Yagi: Bakugos, always the same with their sharp tongue.

Bakugo: So did you eat already nerd?

Me: ...

I was still kinda in shock. Yes call me slow and call me stupid but I really didn't thought that this was possible. It shouldn't be possible but here I was with one of the top 3 clan member as my own mate. This was more than crazy.

Bakugo: Let me show you around and no running this time.

Yagi: I would appreciate it if you manage to get him back to RG. He was supposed to get a check up but dipped.

Me: I am fine.

Bakugo: Oh you can talk again huh.

Me: HAhaha very funny. Now I am fine. There is no need for me to go there.

Yagi: My boy!

Bakugo: Oh you fucking going there!

Me: Make me!

Bakugo: As you wish!

Before I knew it, this alpha just grabbed me and put me around his shoulder like a damn potato sack and I hated.

If you think I will let myself be carried around like that, then you are wrong!



I had to surpase a growl which was stuck in my throat. As a wolf, this was something I hated more than anything else. No matter who it was, you never put a wolf around your shoulder like this without their consent. Now thinking about it, it was weird being carried like this as a being on its own.

Me: Let me go!

Bakugo: NO.

Me: Let me fucking go, you Dandelion! *grrr*

At the end I couldn't help it and let a growl out which allarmed this alpha vampire. He stopped in track and I felt his grop tighten around me more. Thankfully that growl wasn't soo loud that Yagi could hear it but I was screwed. This vampire just heard it.

Bakugo: I'll fucking deal with my mate.

Yagi: Much appreciated. I have to go to Nezu now. Is it alright if I leave him up to you Young Bakugo.

Bakugo: Fucking go.

He waited till Yagi was gone before he put me down and looked at me as I wasn't amused at all. In fact if anything I could rip his throat up and wouldn't feel sad. No, that would be a lie. I somehow felt a small connection between us. It wasn't something strong since my wolf side was more dominant but it was there.

Bakugo: What the fuck was that?

Me: Hm?

Okay... play dumb!

I know he heard the growl but play dumb!

You have to play dumb!

They can't find out what you are!

I can't be put in cage!

I will otherwise show them who is Fenrir!

I don't care!

I will get out of here one way or another.

Bakugo: You fucking growled at me like a damn fleebag.

Me: Fleebag?

Bakugo: A wofl. Izuku you growled like one of them.

Me: Tsk!

Bakugo: Izuku! 

He was too much to me and my patience was already running pretty low so that I looked into his eyes and that was it. I really didn't care if I needed to end this school or not. I would have ended everything if that meant to protect my pack.

Me: So what if I did.

My wolf side took the better of me. I could be sassy, cheeky as well as calkulative but cold when it comes to others. It was a trait I was well aware of and I didn't had any plans on changing anything at all.

Bakugo: Are you a damn wolf?!

I laughed it off showing him my fangs. There was no way for a wolf to have vampire fangs. It wasn't natural after all but there was no saying what was natural for a halfblood like myself.

Me: You see these! Now tell me that I am a wolf again.

Bakugo: Oh...

Me: Yeah oh...  I just got annoyed with you. Now leave me alone.

Bakugo: Can't fucking do that.

Me: Why not?

Bakugo: You heard him! He will wage war against my clan but besides that more importantly you are my mate. I will not sit by knowing that you might be hurt. 

Me: I am fine tho!

Bakugo: I won't believe that until I've seen it myself.

Me: Come on! I am fine.

Bakugo: No.

He went ahead and tried to pick me up again but I had had it and punched him in the face making his nose bleed before turning aorund and walk off. I really didn't need a vampire around, no babysitter, no mate, nothing. I lived on my own pretty damn well. There was no need to change anything at all.

Bakugo: TSK! YOu didn't wanted it otherwise.

Me: Huh?

I looked back after I heard him say that and before I knew it, he had me on the ground. Too bad for him that I was trained as well and reversed the whole situation so that he was on the ground kissing it.

Me: What was that again?

Bakugo: Shitty Nerd! Let me go!

Me: No!

Bakugo: Izuku! Let me go! 

Me: Still no.

All of the sudden I could hear some laughter coming from the side and one gland and I could see a half and half bastard who was a vampire and Dabi's brother.


What's up with all the alphas?!

This is just dumb!

Why are they all around me?!

What am I even doing here?!

This is stupid!

I should catch the spy.

I was thinking all that while I decided to release BAkugo and walk off. Well not with him apparently, since he started tackeling me.... oh how I hated this! Why was my life so complicated anyways?! Couldn't I been born as a simple and peacful citicen? But nooo, I was the only halfblood to be known and had a soulmate as a vampire... just great!

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