Lions den!

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The next time I woke up, I felt very refreshed. 

Still I was in the lions den where I needed to be carefull. This was not my home and I was offically part of the vampires society again. Once I was up and out of the bed, I went to have a look around only to find All Might in the living room.

All Might: Morning Izuku. From now on you will be Izuku Yagi. Remember that my boy. You will be the next successor of the Yagi clan.

Me: Morning All Might.

All Might: My name is Toshinori Yagi. Call me dad if you feel confortable with it. You are my son now after all.

Me: D...Dad....

All Might: You must be thirsty. What type is your favorite?

Me: Type?

All Might: Type of blood?

Me: I used to drink animal blood.

Not really

I just love RH-Negative! It is rare but sooo good!

Kurogiri would get it for me on my birthday!

O is also quite good but I don't discriminate against the others as well.

I take what I get.

All Might: We can't have that now.

Me: Then how about the same as you?

All Might: RH?

Me: Wait that's rare and expensive blood! I can't have that.

All Might: Nonesense! JAMES get him a glass of RH.

Who's James?

The moment I asked myself that question a buttler appeared and had an extra glass of RH blood for me. It was true that I was thirsty but I was more hungry then anything. I was a wolf and needed flesh or something else after all. Vampires normally never eat anything since they only eat food to enjoy the taste but not because they needed it. It was different for me tho.

All Might: Want some food?

Me: Can I?

All Might: Sure, let's eat some breakfast. I already called Chiyo and she told me that based on your description food would be good to improve your health state eventho we don't need it really.

Me: Ahm okay.

All Might: We will also have an appointment with her and will be going to UA.

Me: UA?!

All Might: Yes. Nezu will also be there and want to see you since I am enrolling you there.

Me: .... this is going all soo fast....

All Might: If you want to stay at home for more time to adjust you can do that too. I only thought you might want to be with childrens your age.

Me: ...

With the glass in my hand I was lead by him to the dining room where I found the table beeing completly deck out and maids all around us. There were all vampires and I could tell that they were all trained too. It really wasn't simple to get out of here if I ever wanted to reveal my identity. 

This was a lion dens! 

One of the best guarded once so far too.

All Might: Don't worry. There are here for our protection.

Me: Against the wolfs?

All Might: Against other clans.

Me: Huh?

All Might: You know that there are 3 big clans?

Me: Todoroki, Bakugo and Yagi, right?

All Might: Correct and now that you are a Yagi and the next in line head, people will try to go after you to destroy our clan.

Me: Why tho?

All Might: A lot of people greedy for money and fame. Now let's put it asside and eat.

This really is like a gold mine!

I've never seen soo much food on a table!

To think I can still my hunger and thirst in one day.... 

This really is a blessing!

Still won't stop me from killing you and the others!

I took some soup and meat to eat since I was hungry but this was really soo good that I couldn't stop myself and went for a desert and some vegetables too! Everything was mouthwatering delicious. All Might was also smiling at me when he saw how much I savioured the flavor. He even started laughing and ordered the kitchen to prepare something different for every days.

Me: I am happy with this much, you don't have to make problems for the kitchen.

Like seriously dude!

This is amazing!

I will never get bored eating this stake and this pudding as well as the brocolly cream soup!

God this is soo delicious!

All Might: You are a Yagi now. You deserve it.

Me: What do I need to do from now on?

All Might: Stay healthy and continue our line as a hero. That is all. Besides that enjoy your life and care for our clan. They will follow us till their death. It is our duty to protect them and hunt the wolfs down for attacking us so that we will have peace once again.

Me: But the wolfs are never attacking vampires for nothing?

All Might: Your wrong. They are vicious creatures.

Me: ... But they never attacked me.

All Might: Did you ever encountered them?

Me: A pack yes and they saved me from a vampire who killed my parents.

All Might: These wolfs are rary. Normally they would attack for no reason.

Me: ....

That's soo wrong!

Who told you that bullshit?

Me: Are you sure?

All Might: I understand if you think otherwise based on what you experienced but listen to what I say my boy. The hero commission keeps track of their behaviour and if they changed then we would know. So for the time being if you see a wolf, kill them first before they kill you.

Me: I understand.

So I need to hunt down the hero commission and tell everyone the truth?

We don't kill or attack for fun!

We save our people!

We just want to be treated the same!

We want to be equal to vampires!

You think we love to kill just for fun! HA Don't make me laugh!

So the rumours of somoene sponsering this whole nonesense is really true...

Welp they won't live for long!

All Might: James, show Izu to the dressing room and get him ready to get out.

James: As you wish Sir. Young Master this way please.

I looked at All Might one more time to see him gently smile at myself and then nod at me as to say it is okay to go with the butler. James then made me walk to a walk in dressing room with soo many cloths that seemed to be in my own size. This only let me wonder how he did that but I guessed that money can solve everything and accepted it. After I got dressed I went out and we immediately went to Chiyo. It was the moment of truth....and hopefully I could hide my wolf side from everyone else or I was screwed.

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