---------------3 days later---------------

Noian's vessel had traveled to Yautja Prime. Claire stayed at the Shrine of Paya the whole time with the Shaman and Blade's body. According to the Shaman, Blade's spirit was growing weaker by the day. It meant that not a lot of time was left until he was truly gone. In fact, he wouldn't even make it overnight. Claire held his hand, and prayed to every possible Spiritual Entity to ever exist, to save him. Especially Paya, as he seemed to be the god the Yautja worshipped. Claire couldn't help but stare at the statue of him. Blade resembled Paya in entirely too many ways. He wielded katana like the sacred deity, and after hearing that Paya was a twin too, Claire nearly shit herself. His achievements were great just like Paya's as well. She began to wonder if the Yautja feared and respected him, not just for his achievements, but due to his similarities with their Holy entity as well.

There was a very pissed off roar. Claire and the Shaman turned their attention to the entrance. Blaze and Archer appeared. They were carrying a large pole on their shoulders and bound to it was a very pissed, very feral version of Blade. He was absolutely wild. Thrashing, roaring, even hissing and growling. Any chance he got with anyone or anything that got close, he would snap at them with his mandibles or jerk like he was going to attack. Claire watched. Physically, they truly were identical. The only difference was the personality. Claire also noticed he didn't have the same scar on his neck that her sweet Seară did. "He is even weaker now. I am not confident he can make it." The Shaman stated as Blaze and Archer put Beznă down. "Then we even the playing field." Blaze said, and he pulled out his knife. With no hesitation, and before anyone could react he sliced through Beznă's neck. The wound identical to Blade's scar. Claire gasped covering her mouth. "You want Seară don't you? This is how." He defended. Claire said nothing, meanwhile flourescent green blood pooled down Beznă's neck and he inevitably lost consciousness. Archer untied him. The Shaman placed Seară and Beznă as needed for the ritual. Each one on a stone table at opposite sides of some kind of formation. A large bonfire was lit in the center. Meanwhile many Yautja had gathered in the temple. Roxy and Nadia were also there. Claire stayed by Blade's side. She sang quietly to him as the Shaman began some kind of chant in their ancient language. Throwing various herbs and powders into the fire. Some made a bright spark, while others changed the color of the flames. After a while the Shaman stopped. He touched the foreheads of both Seară and Beznă. Claire looked at him expectantly. "It is over." He said plainly. Tears streamed down Claire's face. She hugged Blade's body and she kissed his face. Before she could at least feel a fragment of his presence. She couldn't anymore. The realization that this was their hail mary, and it didn't work so her sweet Seară was actually gone now, just crushed her further.

While Claire continued to cry, Nadia and Roxy walked over to her to hug her. The Shaman had a bowl full of that blue paste. He applied it to Beznă's neck wound. If Beznă woke up, Claire was going to slap him for sure. He may have been a bad blood, but Seară was still his brother, and his twin at that. He was also half dead so he could've made it easier for him. She decided it'd be best if he never woke up at all. To her dismay, he unfortunately did. Claire narrowed her eyes. Before Nadia and Roxy could stop her she stood up. Walking over to Beznă she gave him the most malicious possible backhanded slap. Beznă's head actually turned to the side from the force and she felt proud of herself. Archer snorted, the Shaman tilted his head, Blaze was clearly amused. Beznă slowly turned his head to Claire. Claire looked into the dark, stormy eyes of Seară, only it wasn't Seară. Once again tears blurred her vision. Unexpectedly, Beznă trilled at her. After he got over the initial shock of just getting slapped, his eyes even lit up. Claire had confusion written all over her face. "When I said it is done, what I meant was, the spirits transferred." The Shaman said as he awkwardly cleared his throat. "So I just slapped my sweet Seară?" She questioned. He nodded. "Well how was I supposed to know that!?" She cried. Blaze and Archer both started to laugh. "It's not funny you guys!" She cried as she wrapped her arms around Seară. "It's a little funny." Archer said. Seară nodded once. "See he agrees." Archer added. Claire just hugged Seară as tight as she could. He hugged her too as he trilled. Roxy and Nadia both heaved sighs of relief. Roxy elbowed Archer. "Why didn't you tell her beforehand if you knew you big bastard." She whisper yelled. Archer just got a mischievous gleam. "If I had, would I have gotten that amusement?" Roxy just shook her head. "You really are such a big bastard." She grumbled. Archer just slapped her ass. Roxy squeaked as she jumped and elbowed him again. "Just you wait till we are alone you big bastard." She threatened. Archer chuckled. "Can't wait." he challenged.

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