Claire and Nadia soon caught up with Roxy. They glanced at the Alpha and the Scorpion that were currently circling each other. "So now what's the plan?" Claire whispered. "Well I'm sort of hoping they fight each other. Then whichever one survives we will take down together." Roxy said and the duo nodded. Just as Roxy hoped they began to face off against each other. The girls gave each other fist bumps and then took cover, choosing to hide and observe while the predators figured it out. The canine snarled at the scorpion and then the creatures charged each other. The Alpha ducked below the pinching grip of the scorpion, and remained at close range to lessen the likelihood of getting stabbed by the tail. The Alpha opened is jaws to bite into the scorpions underbelly. The scorpion quickly slammed one of its claws down landing a crushing blow on the Alpha. The Alpha yelped as it face planted. The scorpion began to bring its tail down and the Apha quickly rolled out of the way. Getting onto its feet it leaped over the scorpion's back. It's strong jaws latched behind the final segment of the insect's tail. As it landed it began to whip its head back and forth, tearing at the armored flesh. The scorpion made a God awful shriek as the canine began to sever its tail. The scorpion reached around with a giant claw, capturing a couple of the Alpha's legs. It pinched down and the Alpha yelped, forcing it to let go as the sickening snaps of bones shattering filled the air. The scorpion threw the Alpha aside. Before the Alpha could recover, it thrust its now bloody tail downwards and pierced through the Alpha's thorax. The Alpha yelped and then began to whine as it writhed in agony. The scorpion roared at the victory. Roxy bit her lip, feeling empathetic, as she knew full well of the agony that sting held. She slipped from her hiding spot before Claire and Nadia could stop her. She silently made her way to the Alpha. The Alpha was currently panting between whines. It's flourescent green eyes landed on Roxy when she emerged into view. She clenched her fist and the double blades extended. The Alpha just turned its head away as if accepting, and even grateful. Roxy gently stroked its muzzle with one hand, and with the other she made a powerful and precise thrust. The blades stabbed through the Alpha's lungs and into its heart. Its eyes widened for a brief moment before closing forever. Roxy stood up. "Hey you overgrown cockroach!" She yelled. The scorpion whipped around with a shriek. "Yeah, you. I've got a bone to pick with you." She said and she sprinted forward across the clearing towards the scorpion. She pulled out the combi-stick, applying pressure to make it extend. She pulled her arm back as she sprinted, and she launched it like a javelin, making sure to follow through with her legs to give it extra power. The stick spiraled through the air and stabbed right into one of the scorpion's eyes. The scorpion shrieked in pain. Claire and Nadia came out from hiding. All three rushed towards the scorpion as it thrashed to remove the combi-stick. Following the way that Blaze had killed this same species to save Roxy, the first move Nadia made was using her wrist blades to slice the last segment of its tail off. Claire decided to go low once she got by the claws. She held the combi-stick like a lance. Applying pressure to the middle as she thrust it forward, the staff lengthened and punctured through the scorpion's neck. Meanwhile Roxy extended the wrist blades again. She chose to sprint and then drop into a power slide. She slid under the scorpion as she thrust the blades up. She sliced the scorpion's entire underbelly, caudally to dorsally as she slid down the length of its body. She quickly went back to her feet once she was out from under it. All of the beast's organs were now external, and it collapsed into a pool of its own blood and bowels. "I can feel the effects of masculinity right now I want to go to war! I want a shoulder canon thingy!" Roxy hollered. Nadia and Claire laughed, then the three girls all smiled and hugged each other tightly as they bounced around. "Also I'm totally jumping Archer's bones and I'm going to top his ass when I see him." Roxy added and the other two giggled.

"So that was seven. There are three more still." Nadia said as she looked at the map. "But I can't see them anywhere." She huffed. Claire bit her lip. "They wouldn't make us fight bad bloods would they?" She asked nervously. "No way... That's way too advanced." Roxy reassured her. "At the same time though we are only human so we do have a lot to prove... We killed some of those serpent things after all... Maybe their expectations are high." Nadia said quietly. Roxy huffed. "Well other than Yautja do you know what else doesn't have a heat signature?" Nadia added and Roxy sighed as she shook her head. "But three bad bloods are a lot for newbies. Hell they almost killed my man! Wait... They almost killed my man. Oh if it's them those bastards are so dead." Roxy said as she cracked her knuckles. "Well they didn't specify much. Maybe it's just one bad blood and the other two things are different?" Claire offered hopefully. Roxy and Nadia shrugged. The three females sat down to take a water break but also to collect their thoughts. "So what should we do? We have no idea where the remaining three are." Claire asked. Nadia tapped her chin in thought as she stared at the ground. "Is there a pattern? Like a certain direction we have been traveling to find these things so far?" Nadia asked. Roxy pulled up the map. All three girls stared at it trying to see any kind of repetition. "We have been heading the same direction. Keep going that way?" Roxy said. Nadia nodded. "It's our only lead really." She replied. Once they were rested and satiated the women stood up and continued on their course. The women were making sure to keep silent. Watching and listening in hopes to hear the bad bloods or spot their silhouette as the light around them bent. Even a flash of the eyes, just anything to give away their position. The longer they continued forward the more anxious they became. They were mostly scanning the trees as they knew that was where the Yautja liked to be, or anywhere else high. The females had long since gotten over their fear of heights, but when this process began they made sure to complain about the heights daily until they got used to it. "God... Why does the 'boss' have to be Yautja." Claire mumbled. Nadia and Roxy both nodded. "Especially when we are new to this." Roxy added. The other two nodded.

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