Dear Diary 39: Going Back Home

Start from the beginning

Me: Awww my baby is really growing up

Ashley: Oh now she’s your baby

Me: [Laughing] Yep

We dressed her, I fed her, burped her and then we left. I was sitting with her at the back, she was in her car seat

Me: I hope everything goes well with this check up

Ashley: It will, our daughter is the happiest and healthiest baby

Me: And the cutest

Ashley: That’s not even a question

Me: We really did make the cutest baby

Ashley: I know right. That’s why we should make the second one

Me: I won’t even entertain your madness

Ashley: [Laughing] I mean look at that face, you don’t want another cute face like that?

Me: Nope, I’m done, maybe I’ll reconsider after 5 years

Ashley: Fair enough

We got to the doctor 10 minutes late for Assa’s appointment and she was sleeping. Ashley carried her in while I carried her diaper bag. The doctor checked her, she was growing well, her weight, her height, her health, everything was perfect. We left the doctor’s office and got in the car. Ashley put her in the car seat

Me: I’m happy that everything is good with her

Ashley: We are really killing this parenting thing

Me: I know right, it’s not as stressful and as hard as I thought it would be

Ashley: We have to thank your mom for this, she’s been really helping us

Me: She’s really an angel

Ashley: At least after the sleepless nights we get to sleep and get enough rest during the day

Me: Yeah and we help each other rest at night, I honestly don’t know how I’m gonna do it all alone at night, wake up in the morning and go to school

Ashley: I really feel bad that while you taking care of her alone at night, I’ll be sleeping. That’s why I honestly want y’all to move in with me, at least I’ll be there to help and also we could find a live in care taker to help at night so that you and I will wake up well rested for school and work

Me: That sounds good but I don’t think my mother will agree, it’s cool though, I’ll survive

Ashley: Promise me that every time you feel like you are not coping you will call me? I’ll come back to sleep over and help

Me: I promise, thanks babe

Ashley: You are welcome, so I’m starving, where should we go to eat?

Me: Your restaurant, I’ve been craving for that lamb and mac and cheese combo and cheese cake… hmmm

Ashley: Okay then

We went to the restaurant, before we went in, we had to change Assa’s diaper in the car

Me: Damn girl, couldn’t you wait till we got home?

After I finished, we went in, Ashley took her and sat down while I went to the bathroom to throw the dirty diaper and wash my hands, then I went back to join them. Ashley was carrying Assa, sitting down.

Ashley: Babe we forgot to take her stroller

Me: Damn but we didn’t know we were gonna need it, we didn’t know we would come eat here

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