A light chuckle escaped your lips. "Well, I'm not that hungry."

Entering the cafeteria, you grabbed your bowl of rice and slowly walked to an empty table; this one wasn't your usual table. Sitting down, you kept your small smile, though you wanted to get rid of it. With your wooden chopsticks, you took each grain of rice and dropped them into your mouth.

"Seriously?!" A shout from the distance caught your attention. Lifting your eyes, you noticed Bakugo walk towards your table. "You look like a loner over here, Wings." He set his tray down in front of him, noticing your soft smile drop.

"If you don't want to sit by me, that's fine. Go sit with your buddies."

"What's your problem? Huh?!" Your eyes widened to his sudden hostility. "What is with you? This morning you acted just like this. Now, you're pushing me away. You are always smiling in front of everyone else! Why can't you do it around me?! Am I just a nuisance to you?!"

Your hand froze; the rice on the chopsticks fell off. The silver orbs you possessed couldn't rip away from Bakugo's glare.

"I-I..." you felt your nose tickle.

No, I can't cry now.

"Bakugo...do you hate me?"

He sighed while shoving some food in his mouth. After swallowing quickly, he raised his eyes back to you. "Why do you-"

"I know I'm a burden." Your eyes started to glisten.

That'll have to wait for later.

"Nevermind." You stood quickly and placed your bowl with the others by the wall. Quickly, you walked back to the classroom.

Bakugo sat thinking to himself.

She hasn't smiled around me today, or at least when it's just us two. Is this about last night?


"So, we found some information about the hideout and whether nomus are going to play a role," Aizawa stated in front of the heroes in Nighteye's office.

"The hideout has members of the Shie Hassaikai according to a spy." Rock Lock added. Your mind was taking in every piece of information it could. Saving the girl was your top priority.

All Might sighed before speaking. "Eri has a quirk that can rewind time with whoever she touches. So, just be prepared for that."

"Nighteye, the police force, and I found out that Overhaul has been making contacts with other parties, including the League of Villains," Centipeder mentioned. NIghteye nodded to his words, taking them in through a thought process to evaluate a plan.

"Overhaul is trying to get rid of quirks with bullets created from someone else's quirk." Fat gum was added, in a much skinnier form than usual.

Sir Nighteye made eye contact with everyone. He stated, "Kai Chisaki's quirk can tear things apart and build them back together with just the touch of his hands; it's called Overhaul. I believe the quirk-ending drug is created from Eri, and that's why he's keeping a close eye on her."

All Might looked at Nighteye. "Do we have a plan yet?"

"As of right now, we are waiting for information about the time frame from Bubble Girl and Centipeder, is that correct?" He looked towards Centipeder, who nodded to his words. "Once that happens, we'll know when to attack."


In your room, you started jotting down the information given to you at the briefing. After writing them, you placed the notes aside while leaning back with your hands sliding across your face.

"Gosh, I'm so overwhelmed."

A knock banged on your door. "Hey, it's dinner time!" Sero announced.

You quickly made your way out of your room, passing Sero to the elevator and making your way down to the first floor.

Yummy food.

A group came from your stomach as you smelled something more delicious than anything you've sniffed in this kitchen. Peeking around the corner, you noticed Bakugo shouting at a few classmates while he was stirring something in the pot.

"You idiots don't know how to do anything!"

"Bakubro, just keep doing your part." Kirishima grabbed a stack of bowls and placed them on the island behind Bakugo. "Guys, come take some miso soup!" A grin grew on your face as you rushed passed everyone.

"Hell yea!" Stealing Kirishima's bowl, you stepped up beside Bakugo. "Give me some of that right now." Shoving your bowl into his view, you saw him slowly scoop some of the soup and pour it into your bowl. He held confused eyes the whole time. "This is the shit!"

"Is it your favourite?" Mina asked, standing in line.

"Yea! My dad would make it all the time!" Your grin stayed on your face as you gobbled down the soup, reliving sweet memories with your father and brother. These memories weren't making you feel sad, but you almost cried tears of joy. "Bakugo! This is so good!"

He walked to his normal spot, which was beside you. His brow was raised as you looked happier than you have for weeks. "Of course it is! I made it!"

"Thank you." Taking your soup, you slurped some broth, feeling the warmth run down your throat. You couldn't hold a tear back, and let it fall down the side of your cheek.

Bakugo glanced towards you, seeing you wipe your eyes quickly then shift back to slurping the soup.

What is going on in her head? I can't figure her out. Is she...acting?

When you finished your bowl of nostalgia, you cleaned out your dish, seeing Bakugo toss his bowl in the sink. Flinging your head back, you were reminded of the time Buddy did the same thing.

I should tell him soon. Bakugo is always yelling but something seems different when I'm not smiling around him. He just seems a bit different.

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now