A sigh escaped your breath as you leaned your elbow on the cold railing. Staring at the starry night sky caused a tear to slowly run down your cheek. One star stuck out, as it was the brightest. "Buddy, mom still hates me. Who would've thought, huh?" you chuckled, feeling that sound fade as more tears fell off your eyelids. "You always protected me from her. You were like my hero, Buddy. You are my hero. I can never forget."

How can I?

Your knees collapsed beneath you. Hearing the quiet sobs of your own voice, you lay back, the tears wetting the hair on the sides of your face. "You were my saviour, how can you be gone? You were the light of my life, so how can you be gone?"

I knew one day I would have to separate from you, but we even had a dream together.

"This is all bullshit!" you shouted. You stood hastily, hearing your breathing patterns become irregular as you marched into your room, slamming the sliding door shut. Balling your fists, your eyes searched the room for something to break or rip apart.

I'm being a fool! I keep crying and crying, but I need to stop! I try to stop, hoping that my friends don't see! I can't stop crying!

Seeing a random book on your dresser, you grabbed it without a second thought. Quickly, you flipped a few pages and started ripping them out. Each page didn't feel like enough, as they ripped too easily.

Dammit! It hurts too much knowing you're not here! Come back, Buddy! I can't take this anymore! This pain hurts my head, heart, and soul! I need you!

With all your might, you grabbed the paperback covers and tore the book in half from the spine. Tears streamed down your cheeks as another book came into your view. Without wasting time on the pages, your hands gripped the paperback and tore the spine in half.

Ugh, this isn't enough! I need something else!

Rushing to your wardrobe, you swung the doors open while huffing and puffing in rage. The darkened silver eyes searched the area but there was nothing but clothes and memories of Buddy.


"I can't break those, but I need something," you murmured. Stomping towards the bathroom of your dorm, you pushed the door open, hearing a loud bang as it hit the wall. Angeling your brows down, you looked into the mirror. Seeing your face red and puffy with tear stains, your right hand moved without control. A swift movement crushed the mirror. A small bit of blood trickled down the broken glass. The pain didn't phase you, making you grit your teeth.

Something more!

Lifting your left hand and pulling your right away from the shattered mirror, you swung your left, sobbing aloud now. The strike phased you just a bit as it hurt slightly more.

Why did I leave you, Buddy?!

Without thinking, you continued to punch the broken glass. The pain was no longer present; it was numb. With the tears flooding your vision, it was difficult to see the blood running down your arms, also down the wall and broken glass.


Bakugo began walking down the hallway with Kirishima humming beside him. "Shut up!" Bakugo blurted, making Kirishima quickly place a finger on his lips.

"People are sleeping, dude," he whispered. "Can you go check on Y/N and make sure she is really alright?"

Bakugo sighed, keeping his eyes on the elevator approaching. "Why the hell should I do that? Can't you?"

Kirishima shrugged, looking toward his friend. "Well, you saved her today so maybe she would want to talk t-"

"I don't want to talk to her!"

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora