-Chapter 2-

Depuis le début

After his words, the door shut quickly, sudden darkness overcame the house. You continuously blinked but were still blinded by the pitch-black air.

"Hello?" you questioned in a much lower voice as if you matured. "Hello?!" Your heart began to race as your breathing patterns irregulated. "Buddy!" you shouted.

"Buddy!" Your upper body sprung up from the bed. Your breathing slowed down as you realized you witnessed a nightmare.

As you looked around in your room, you noticed pictures of you and Buddy on your shelves and desk, and pictures of your father were on the wall. A few paintings of yours were displayed on the wall in front of you, making you feel at ease since a few of them were created by both you and your brother.

A knock came at the door.

"Yes?" you questioned in a much more mature voice than the one in the dream.

The door opened slowly to reveal your brother in a baggy grey shirt with black basketball shorts. His short silver hair was ruffled from waking up and his sparkling silver eyes with a few blue stripes were somewhat sleepy. His large, white wings hung low on his back.

As he rubbed his eyes and closed the door behind him, he slowly approached the foot of your bed. "Another nightmare?" he grumbled in a deeper voice than in the dream.


He sat on the edge of the bed, scooting closer to your side. Reaching to his left, he grabbed your laptop off the nightstand and set it on his lap, quickly logging in and searching through Netflix.

"I know movies help you," he spoke with a small grin on his face. "Want this?" he pointed towards a title, you replying in a nod.

"Thanks, Buddy." You grinned lightly in his direction as the movie began to play.

Looking at the screen, he opened his mouth, hesitating to speak. "These nightmares you experience, do they traumatize you?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the screen.

When you looked at his face, you saw the same look of worry your father showed in your dream. Thinking about Buddy smiling in your dream made you copy it. "It's not all terrible ya know? Sure, it sucks, but the dream itself has some good parts."

He looked towards you with confused brows. "What? How can a nightmare have good parts? Are you crazy?"

You chuckled as he continued to give you a confused look. "Buddy, I got to smell dad's miso soup!"

Buddy gasped as he shoved the computer off his lap. He sprung off the bed with a look of joy. "Sis!" Looking at him, you hummed in question. "Let's ask dad for miso soup again! I could definitely go for a bowl or two right now." His eyes imagined the soup as he rubbed his stomach.

"Calm down, will ya?" Moving the covers off your legs, you marched towards your door. "Just stop being so loud. Mom is probably still sleeping," you whispered, sneaking down the hallway with him behind your back.

The sound of the TV played in the living room; it grew louder as you grew closer. You and your brother strolled towards your father, who was watching some random show.

"Can we have miso soup?" you and Buddy said in unison.

Your father looked toward the two of you and gave a large smile. "Of course!"


Sitting at the kotatsu, feeling the warm blanket over your legs, you slurped the delicious broth from the spoon.

This is so good!

"Oh! Dad." Your brother took a quick sip of broth as your father spun to look in his direction. "The students are moving into dorms tomorrow."

"Oh yea!" you butted in. "I'm so excited! I hope I dorm next to you."

"Same! It'll be so much fun with our friends too!" You nodded vigorously as you chomped on a bunch of vegetables.

Your father grinned lightly, asking, "Why do you guys have dorms?"

"It's because of the U.S.J attack. The teachers and staff want to keep us safe and close by," you replied, taking another slurp of soup.

"Will it really be safe?" he questioned.

You and Buddy nodded. The two of you chewed your food and said, "Of course!"

After finishing the soup, you stood and placed the dishes in the sink. "Better start packing now."

Your brother rushed to the sink and basically tossed the dishes, making you gasp as he dashed away from your presence.

"Hey! That'll break the dishes!"

A sigh escaped your breath as you slowly walked down the hallway. You noticed your mom leave her room with bags beneath her eyes. "Good morning, mom!" You waved and smiled as she ignored the action. When approaching your room, you took in a deep breath of air, trying to calm yourself from the excitement of the new dorms. 

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant