"Spit it out!" Bakugo shouted, rushing to your side. "I don't see shit!"

You sighed as your fists clenched. "Everyone! The villains escaped!" Scanning your focus over the rest of the class and pro heroes, you were shocked at the amount of damage taken to the group.

Bakugo was clearly frustrated at the fact that he couldn't keep the villains restrained, but he couldn't help but run to All Might, whose body was giving off white steam. Hearing Bakugo dash, you took charge to fly towards the mob, hoping to help those who were heavily injured.

"You guys alright?" Thirteen rasped, making you see her broken suit and a gap in her back.

"Yes," you replied, nodding. "But you're not." You're eyebrows scrunched in reaction to the shape of Thirteen, Aizawa, and All Might, the pro heroes who took the most damage out of everyone.

She chuckled at your words as you wrapped her arm over your shoulder. "I will be someday."


"We don't know who gave the villains this information, but if it's one of the students, we can find out by putting them in dorms. They will have a hard time contacting the villains that way." Principle Nezu announced, seeing the teachers nod. "If you see any suspicious activity, let me know as quickly as possible."

"What if it's a pro hero?" Vlad King questioned, making Nezu sigh. Nezu glanced at the other teachers, showing them a face of hope that that fact isn't true.

"I hope that wouldn't be the case. We also need these dorms to take precautions. These are our students and they need to be safe, especially when we're being attacked by the League."

After a few more discussions about arrangements for dorms, Nezu dismissed the group, allowing them to take their leave out of the main office.

While slowly walking down the hallway, Aizawa hummed, making All Might question his looks: "What's wrong?"

Aizawa kept his eyes forward, pushing the front door of the school open. "I know Class 1-A couldn't have done anything to betray us." The darkness of the night dawned on the two; it was as if the mood completely shifted to one of worry.

All Might nodded in agreeance. "I don't think any of them is involved either, but if this also keeps them safe, then it's for the best."

Aizawa looked down towards the pavement, thinking to himself: Who could it be?


"So, yea, you're getting dorms." Most of the students cheered on the news Aizawa presented. Some gave questioning looks to the possible reasons for this sudden change.

"How come?" you asked, combing your hand through your long silver hair.

Aizawa looked your way and sighed. "It's for your safety. It's better to have you closer so you're right by some of the pros. This way, if anything was to happen, then we'd be right there." Nodding to his answer, a light bang on the desk behind you rang through your ears.

"Ugh, I have to be around these extras longer?!" Bakugo complained, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he crossed his legs over his desk. Looking back, you saw his face scrunched; it almost made you laugh.

He's not thrilled whatsoever.

With a grin, you stated, "Bakugo, it won't be too bad. Besides, you'll get to hang with your buddies."

Bakugo scoffed at your words. "You guys? My buddies? That's funny, Wings." Bakugo chuckled to himself from how idiotic you sounded, seeing your grin staying on your face.

"What about Kirishima? You seem close enough with him, hmmm?" Bakugo lowered his legs off his desk and kicked one of the legs of your chair. You chuckled at his childish reaction.

"Shitty-hair just happens to be around, idiot!"

"Sure, sure. You guys are friends, I know it." Turning back around, you still felt a few snickers escape your breath. Widening your eyes, you realized that you needed to tell your parents about the news.


After school ended, both you and your twin brother marched off campus, attempting to catch a cab, since you weren't really permitted to use your wings high in the sky yet.

Looking towards your brother's silver eyes with a few out-of-place blue stripes, you asked, "Buddy, what do you think dad would say to the whole dorm thing?"

Buddy shrugged, looking back towards you. "He might be torn, but I think he'll be alright. I'll miss his miso soup." Buddy sighed while his grin dropped to an acting frown.

Copying his expression, you nodded. "Me too."


When the two of you stepped out of the cab, you both marched towards the door of your home. "Mom! Dad! We're home!" you both shouted, sliding your shoes off by the front door.

When you and your brother reached the kitchen, your dad appeared in view. "Hey!"

Smelling the amazing aroma of food, you started salivating in your mind.

"Is that miso soup I smell?!" Buddy blurted, dropping his bag by the sofa and running to your father's side.

"It sure is!" Seeing them talk about the soup made you grin.

Walking down the hall with your bag in hand, the door beside you opened; it was your parents' door. Waving towards the woman with brown hair and green eyes, you spoke softly, "Good afternoon." She brushed passed you, ignoring your greeting as usual.

Like usual. Eh, who cares?

You continued to smile as you reached the end of the hallway, opening your bedroom door. With a sigh, you whispered, "I'm so tired. These last few weeks were rough." Tossing your bag on the floor by your desk, you plopped your body on the mattress, feeling the soft blankets beneath your skin as your mattress sunk to shape your body. "I've missed you, bed."

Slithering towards your pillow, your eyes shut as you snuggled the warm and soft blanket. As soon as your head touched the pillow, you fell asleep. 

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat