"More like congratulations to you! Baby number four on the way, huh?" I say as he grins.

"Yeah. It's going to be crazy, that's for sure." We found out a couple of months ago that Gracie was pregnant. They had been trying for about a year before it finally happened.

"Are you ready to be a big sister?" I look at Claire, pinching her side.

"Yes!" She claps her hands as she giggles.

"Aunt Evy, will you swim with us?" Liam asks from the kitchen counter, a towel wrapped around him, his wet hair all over the place, shoving Goldfish in his mouth.

"I will in a little bit, okay bud?" I smooth his hair down with my fingers as he holds up his pinky.

"Promise?" I chuckle, wrapping my pinking around his, "Promise." I say as he lets go and goes back to his snack.

Gracie comes up to the counter, stealing one of his Goldfish before he yells at her. "Hey. What did we talk about?" She asks as he sits back on his knees.

"Sharing is caring." He says, slightly pouting.


"You're not supposed to yell at people, it's not polite." He says, looking down at the counter.

"Thank you." She says, kissing the top of his head.

She turns to me, a wide smile on her face. "So, you're officially in your third trimester. How's it feel?" She asks, leaning against the edge of the countertop.

"Good, but I'm ready for him to be here already." I say, smoothing down Claire's hair.

"Just wait till you get closer to your due date." She says as I sigh.

"Not looking forward to being anxious about it." I chuckle as she puts her hands out to help Liam down and we make our way outside where everybody else is.

Liam runs and jumps into the pool as water splashes up and Gracie shakes her head. "Have you had any of your third trimester symptoms start?"

"Oh yeah. The back pains started last week, Sciatia started a couple of days ago, and I'm well past no liquids after six o'clock at night." I say as we both chuckle, making our way over to the rest of the group.

Greyson sees me walk up and whispers something in Amelia's ear before she nods her head up and down quickly and he puts her down and she runs past us and into the house. He gives me a guilty grin as he wraps his left arm around my shoulder, "What?" I ask as he looks down at me.

"Nothing." He says as I raise my eyebrow, "Mhm..." I interwine my fingers with his as my arm hangs down and he kisses my temple. I mess with the wedding ring on his hand we picked out earlier. We went to look after we got married and ended up loving the first one we saw and it somehow was his ring size. Lucky us.

I tune into the conversation they're having about swimming later, Claire still in my arms, when I hear the back door slam shut, "Oops!" Amelia says as we all chuckle and look over at her. She has a wide grin on her face and something in her arms, it takes me minute to look at it until I realize she's holding a puppy. I gasp when I realize what kind of puppy. She's holding a black little Cocker Spaniel. "Oh my god!" I say, handing Claire over to Greyson as Amelia walks up to me. "Surprise!" She grins widely as she hands me the puppy. I gently take it in my hands, as it starts to sniff my face. I look over at Greyson whose grin is even wider than the four year old's. "You're joking?" I say in disbelief as he shakes his head.

"She's all yours." He says before the puppy starts to lick my face.

"Stop it, right now." I say as he grins even wider. "I'm serious." He says as I look down at the puppy. Tears forming in my eyes as my hand comes up to pet behind her ears and she leans into me.

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