22. Forever and Always

Start from the beginning

"You were?" She says, her eyes lighting up.

"Yeah. You're stuck with me..." I smile up at her. "Forever."

The sweet smile on her face grows wider, the pad of her thumb moving across my bottom lip. "Always." She whispers as she leans down, her soft lips connecting with mine. My hands grip her back, pulling her closer to me as her breasts graze my chest. She pulls away, breathing heavily with her forehead rested on mine. "Greyson.." She pants out, "Fuck me." The minute the words leave her mouth I'm already grabbing my shaft and sliding her on top of me. She starts to rock her hips as water starts to splash, but neither of us care.

"Oh god." She cries out as her hands tangle into my hair, tugging tightly.

My hands find their way to her hips, bouncing her up and down as we move in perfect rhythm with each other. I place open mouth kisses down her neck, sucking and biting along the way as her head goes back in pleasure. It doesn't take too long before her walls start to close and she starts to shake in pleasure. Her breath shudders as she gasps, going right over the edge, her hands tugging the back of my hair, causing my head to go back. It doesn't take much longer for me to go right over, riding out my orgasm. When the fuck did I stop lasting longer.

She breaths heavily, her head still thrown back with her eyes shut. My hands rest on the sides of her stomach, my head hung low.

After another couple of minutes, her hands leave my hair and slide down my neck to rest on my chest. She leans forward, kissing the top of my head before sliding off of me.  She turns around so her back is facing me, I run my fingers down the floral tattoo on her spine, before she leans against me. I wrap my arms around her chest as one of her hands comes up to rest on my forearms, her fingers moving from side to side, soothingly.

"Do you want to just go to court?" She asks quietly.


"To get married, do you want to just go to court? Instead of making a big deal with the whole big white wedding thing."

"I don't know, I guess we can." I say rubbing the scruff on my face.

"What's wrong?" She sits up, craning her neck to look at me.

"I don't know, I just, guess I liked the idea of seeing you walk down the aisle."

"Maybe one day, but a wedding takes so long to plan it would defeat the whole point of why we're doing it."

"Yeah, you're right." I say, my eyes meeting hers.

"Maybe, we could have like a small get together afterwards, you know, like a mini reception, with all of our close friends and family."

"That sounds good. You still have to wear white though."

"Deal." She giggles, kissing me on the cheek before standing up. "We should probably get out, besides the fact that the water is getting cold, we have plans in like an hour." She grabs an oversized fluffy white towel, wrapping it around herself and tightening it around her chest so it stays up, before she steps out, holding onto my hand for support.

"So, we're really doing this? Getting married?" I ask, wrapping a towel around my waist, the sound of the water draining in the background.

A sweet smile spread across her lips, "We are."


"I didn't think I'd see the day." Chris says, leaning back in his seat.

"For real though." Evan agrees from across the table.

"But, you're okay with it?" Evelyn asks, bringing her straw to her peachy nude, lipstick covered lips.

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