10: sports car

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We've been here for a while, two weeks I think. Yesterday we heard something on the radio, but it must've been a fault. It was a man, mainly static but we heard a man's voice. That's for sure.

Hunter won't leave me alone, he keeps asking what's wrong and why I ain't hanging out with them all.

He told me about his family he has a twin sister believe it or not and an older brother. He showed me a photo of her, she's so pretty. Long blonde hair, fair skin and her facial features you can tell that their siblings. His older brother looks like him but at the same time he doesn't- guessing he takes after their mother.

"Clary, come on let's go," Carl called me. He's with Sophia and these other kids. They want to play but honestly I find it better if I'm out in the woods.

"Carl can't we go later?" I asked, I've just washed my clothes and I'm hanging them up.

"You promised," Carl reminded me.

"I never said I wasn't coming, just asking if we go not today?" Its worth a try.

"Mmh, fine," He hesitated. Carl and I have become a lot closer. My birthday is next week. Dad isn't back yet.


"Hey, Dixon," Hunter told me as he flicked my hair.

"Wow, hey Hunter," I told him as I sorted my hair out.

"It's fine I barely touched it, Jesus," He untangled my hair.

"So what's up?" I asked him.

"I'm bored and Carl wants to go into the woods but Lori won't let him go on his own," he explained.

"Can't Brooke and Chase take him?" I'm in the middle of skinning the food, no one else knows how to do it properly.

"No they can't," Hunter tried to smother his smile.

"No it's not," I'm trying not to laugh, " it's not funny Walsh," I threw the cloth I'm using to clean my hands at him.

"Oh that's it Dixon," Hunter took his hat off sorting his hair out before putting it on again. Shit. I got up slowly keeping eye contact before running towards Amy.

"Help me," I laughed as Hunter ran after me.

"Go on run I'll hold him off," Amy chuckled.

"Amy don't even try helping her," Hunter smiled.

"Go, go run," Amy whispered to me. My hands are on her shoulders. I dashed towards Lori who's quite far from us.

"Your lucky you run fast Clary," I heard Hunter call after me. I stopped for a while letting him catch up to me before running again.

"Ah," I screamed, he's not the far now crap. I can see Lori and Shane laughing at us.

"This isn't funny Lori," Hunter told her.

"Try and catch me," I teased him more. It worked he ran up to me so of course I ran to Lori who saved me.


"Clary please can we go now," Carl asked me again, it's around late noon and if I'm being honest, I don't want to go right now.

"Hey Clary, come over here," Amy called me.

"Carl I promise we'll go tomorrow, I promise," I told him. I'm not one to break promises. Why am I the only one getting called over for?

"Amy?" I questioned, I can hear a car in the distance.

"Go up there with Dale, see what's making that sound," Shane told me. I gave him a weird look but did as I was told. I climbed up the ladder on the side of the caravan and saw Dale with his binoculars looking out onto the highway.

"Dale, what is it?" I curiously asked him.

"Look on the highway tell me what you see," He pondered handing me the binoculars.

"Well I see a red race maybe sports car," I answered him, I looked more carefully, " it looks like Glenn." I'm so lost right now. Why would Glenn be coming? In a sports car of all the cars, typical boy.

"Go on down and tell Shane," Dale told me.

"Shane, it looks like Glenn," I told the group while I came down.

"Glenn? Red cap Glenn?" Shane made sure I'm not confused.

"Yes how many other Glenn's do you know? And I could see a big moving truck not that far behind," I said bluntly, honestly I did say it was Glenn. How many other Glenn's do you know?

"Something obviously happened, they aren't supposed to be back this early," Carol spoke softly. I haven't got time for this shit so I'll just casually walk to the woods and pray they don't realise I've gone.

Little cute short chapter today.

Next weeks one is longer trust me but here's a filler chapter, don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts and opinions xx

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