1: Leaving

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"Rebel c'mon we gotta leave now," A man in his early 40s said to the dark-haired girl. They were standing in a relatively small house, the man standing in the girls' bedroom.

A fairly small bed in the middle of the room with a desk pushed up against the opposing wall and a wardrobe side by side with it.

"Daryl, come on. I ain't got all day," An older version of the man shouted  out from the front of the house.

The front door was open and the small two-storey house was accosted with the sickly humid air, Atlanta condemns for those who reside in her city.

"Claire, go on to your uncle I'll pack your stuff," Daryl told the 13-year-old as she walked into her room. The child had long dark brown hair with a streak of pink in her hair and wore a blue tank top with a matching pair of denim boyfriend jeans whisky her father wore a light shade of green sleeveless shirt.

"Dad, what's going on?" Clary questioned her father as she walked into the room with a duffle bag. She has waist length dark hair, contrasting with her fair skin tone and honey coloured eyes.

"We're leaving here for a little bit," Daryl told her as he took some clothes out of the wardrobe, both his own and his daughters.

"Why, what happened?" She enquires whilst she puts all the clothes her father removed from her wardrobe into the bag along with a few extra belongings.

"Look at me, go to your Uncle Merle I'll meet up with you and explain everything then alright," Daryl placed his hands on his daughter's face. Clary nodded at her father before leaving her room, her eyes clouded by curiosity but obeyed her dad none the less.

"C'mon Claire get in the car, hurry up," Merle said as he led his niece into the passenger seat of the truck that resided outside their home. Merle stood at the doorway with a rifle in his hand.

"Uncle Merle, where we going and why d'you have a gun?" Clary asked as she looked outside the window. The ex soilder had kept the rifle for 'saftey measures' but was not once used.
From a distance, she could see a herd of people, or so she thought, coming towards them.

"Ask your dad Clay, he as all the logistics right now," He lowered his firearm as he spoke soft to the girl that he watched grow up.

"Daryl hurry the fuck up! We ain't got all day," Merle shouted impatiently as he stepped away from the vehicle.

"Uncle Merle, what's that?" Clary asked as the 'people' came closer. Their clothes were frayed and torn and they walked towards them with a limp.

"Shit, Clary, lock the doors and get under the dashboard," Merle ordered, "Daryl the geeks are here!"

Merle pulled back the safety of the rifle and aimed it toward these 'geeks'. Clarissa locked both doors and hid underneath the dashboard, as she was told.

"Merle where's Clarissa!" Daryl asked as he ran out of the house with a cross-bow.

"She fine, in the truck," Merle held the gun at the geeks, keeping them in view. Daryl looked inside the car and saw his daughter inside the vehicle. Clary saw her dad and gave a brief smile.

"Stay there. Don't come out until I say," Daryl told her before aiming his crossbow towards the geeks. Almost a millisecond after his crossbow went up, Clary could hear the rapid gunfire and thuds from a distance. Her eyes were pressed shut and her hands clapped around her ears during the constant chaos that unravelled itself around her.


"Merle! Come on let's go," Daryl called out to his older brother before running into the house.

"Shit, DARYL GET MORE BULLETS ASWELL!" Merle shouted out to Daryl as he checked the chamber in his rifle. Daryl came out of the house with his crossbow and arrows, two duffle bags, and 3 boxes of bullets. He put them into the back of the truck before picking up another bag from inside the house.

"Clary, come out," Daryl tapped out the window as Clary came back onto the seat. Merle unlocked the doors so that Daryl could go into the driver's seat.

"Dad, what was that?" The 13-year-old asked as the ignition started as well as Merle's motorcycle.

"Walkers, geeks, zombies whatever you want to call them," Daryl told his daughter.

"Did you and uncle Merle kill them?"

"A few of them yeah. Look at me Clary, if they scratch you or bite you, or if you even see any you tell us alright," Daryl said softly.

"Okay, where are we going now?" She asked as Daryl put on the radio.

"All those who aren't infected you may make your way to Atlanta. We have food, shelter, and military protection from the walkers. I repeat all those not infected make your way to Atlanta," The intercom announced.

"Have a wild guess," Daryl sighed.

"Atlanta?" She chuckled.

"You really are smart aren't you?" Daryl laughed as he began to drive.


The sky had now fallen into a deep orange and Clary had fallen asleep in her seat. Merle was ahead of them on the bike getting a first look at whether it was safe up ahead. The him of the truck engine and the roar of the bike polluted the silent air.

"Merle, how long until we get there?" Daryl asked as he slowed down the truck near to his older brother.

"A least another day or two," Merle answered as he slowed down his motorcycle as he reached the window.

"Any news on the Geeks?" Daryl questioned

"No, nothing. How's Clary?" Merle shook his head.

"She's fine, she was reading a book before and she's been sleeping for a little now," Daryl moved Clary's hair out of her face.

"She's in safe hands. The youngest Dixon. She's with us," Merle added before setting off again. Daryl rolled his window up halfway due to the hot weather. He turned the radio back on but no sound came through. Statics only came in a few words at a time. The roads were deserted and silent so that you could hear anything , even if it was miles away.

By the time Clary woke up, it was dark out and the headlights were dim.

"You awake now, princess?" Daryl asked as he looked at his daughter.

"Mhmm, how long till we get there?" Clary asked as she rubbed her eyes.

" A few hours, Uncle Merle said we should be at Atlanta soon. Not that long now," He told her. As they drove further Clarissa turned around and could see a headlight behind them.

"Dad, I think there's another car behind us," Clary told Daryl as she looked back.


Hey guys so the first few chapters are just a bit of fillers until we get to season one, so I'll publish them for the time being.

Also I've made sm TikTok's on this book so make sure to follow check this out for some unfinalised spoilers x

TikTok-> av.tonkin

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