7: Faint

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My heads hurting again.
I just want my dad.
I can't..

"Clary just listen to me," Hunter asked me. Something is definitely wrong.

"Hunter what the hell are you on about?" I can see he's worried about something.

"Just come with me."
I cant inhale. It's like something holding onto my neck, squeezing the living hell out of my windpipe.

"Let go of my wrist first," I demanded. Hesitantly, his grip loosened. I looked at him before bolting  up to the roof.

"Clary!" Hunter ran after me. I ran up and opened the door. Dad has his crossbow pointed up to Shane.

"Dad?" I spoke softly.

"Claire," Dad took his eye of off Shane and looked at me.


"Clary please just come downstairs," Hunter pleaded me. I stepped outside onto the roof top, Hunter behind me.

"Dad what's going on?" I questioned. I can't see  properly.

"Hunter take her back downstairs," Shane told his son.

"She isn't listening to me Dad," Hunter sounds like a child but he's still behind me.

"Dad, what's happening?" I asked once again. Dad looked at me then at Shane.

"Clarissa it's fine, don't worry," He reassured me. A sharp pain seethed from my head down to my waist. I stumbled back as I shut my eyes trying to forget the pain but I can't stand. My legs gave out as Hunter caught me from my waist as I fell backwards.

"Clary?" Dad ran towards me as did Shane.

"Clary," Hunter asked me. I'm faint in his arms. I'm not entirely sure what happened but I can't keep my eyes open. I can hear everything and feel everything but I can't keep my eyes open, it's as if weights are on my eye lids keeping them shut. I can feel someone moving my hair back.

"Clary it's okay, your going to be fine," Dad whispered into my ear. Someone's picking me up.

"Hunter go call Jacqui and Lori, tell them Clary fainted, get Andrea and Carol here aswell," Shane told him. I can hear him running past me and down the stairs.

"Come on Claire, you'll be fine," Dad told me once again, " Shane get the door."

"She'll be fine Daryl," Shane reassured him


"Quick get her on the table," Jacqui told them. Dad lay me on a cold, wooden table when I felt someone's hand rest upon my temple.

"She's burning up, Amy go look in the medicine shelf for antibiotics," Lori ordered.

"How long has she been feeling like this?" Carol asked dad and uncle Merle.

"Just- just to- today a few hours before we got here," Dad stammered.

"Lori here," I'm guessing Amy came in again with the pills. I can hear the pills rattling around in the box then I felt someone prising open my mouth.

"Come on Clary, swallow it," Lori muttered under her breath. My mouth is shut and I can feel my head being tilted back ever so slightly do that the pills were easier to swallow.

"Clary, c'mon swallow them," Dads voice hitched, I've never heard him that worried. Something slid down my throat, it tastes like plastic. My head isn't getting any better.

"Mom?" I think that's Carl said as he walked into the room. My eyes are flickering now, opening and closing ever so slightly

"Carl, it's fine," I can hear Shane talking to him.

"Clary?" Dad hovered above me as my eyes began to open. There still heavy but I can open them slightly now, my eyes that is. Lori immediately diverted her attention towards me.


I'm in the other room, two rooms over. I'm in our tent. That sounds of dumb, I'm in a mall and I'm lying down in a tent.

Lori and the others said the heat must've sent me into that faint- the lack of water and food intertwined with the heat.

"Clary, can I come in?" Dad asked as he unzipped the top of the tent.

"Come in," I replied moving my stuff to the side.  Dad crept inside, his head lowered.

"How you feeling now?" He questioned.

"I have less of a headache, kinda," I didn't know how to word it. I had a headache but at the same time I didn't, as if it comes and goes.

"But are you okay?" Dad asked as he tied my hair up for me.

"Yes I'm okay dad, how are you," I asked turning around so I'm now facing him.

"I'm fine as long as you are," He replied pulling me closer.

"That's good isn't it," I laughed.

"So what's going on with you and that Walsh boy?" Dad chuckled.

"REALLY DAD! I just met him ,honestly," I should've seen this coming. Me and Dad haven't actually talked since all this started.

"Yeah and it better stay that way aswell. You ain't datin' anyone," Dad teased me laughing.

"Jesus dad, never said I was going to. That's just urgh, really? Him of all people? Honestly dad you need help," I try to shake the mere thought of that out of my head as I reach for the bottle of water, Dale supplied me with.

I like Dale, he's like a cute grandad. Which is something I don't really have.

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