5: Safe Haven

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We're in Atlanta and boy let me tell you, it isn't what we expected. There are people here, I can tell by the masses of cars.
But where?

I don't know.

It's crawling with walkers. We can't even drive past them. Turns out "the safe haven" isn't so safe. It's the opposite.

We got split up. I don't know where my uncle is now. He's gone ahead.

"Clarissa? It's okay. We're going to be fine," Dad reassured me.

"What was that?" I asked startled. I heard voices. Actual voices.

"What the fu-" Dad whispered as we drove through the herd of geeks.


Something hit the roof of the truck. I'm not allowed out of the truck so I looked all around the place to try and see anyone. Then I saw him. A boy, around Blake's age may be older. He's hiding in an alleyway.

"Dad, dad look," I pointed out the boy.

"Fuck, what do you want to do then?" Merle's gone somewhere down the road," It's my choice. Great.

Perfect. Let's leave our lives in the hands of a 13 year old.

"He might have some sort of camp," I told dad. He looked at me, he knows that there must be some sort logical reason this guy was risking his life for two strangers? Dad didn't say anything but turned the truck sharply knocking down some of the geeks, We're by the alleyway fence now.

"What do you want?" Dad scowled at the boy, catching him off guard.

"We- we have a small camp, you can come with me I can take you there," The boy spoke confidently but with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"How do we know that you aren't lying?" Dad suggested.

"If I was lying I wouldn't be putting my life in danger would I?" The boy has a red baseball cap on like the other boy in the car. I looked at dad and he nodded.

"My brother, he went further up. I'm gonna go look for him, take her with you. Tell me where the camp is," Dad insisted, I got out of the truck with my knife in my hand.

"The mall, I'll take care of her don't worry." He said, " I'm Glenn." He told me and Dad.

"I'm Clary, that's my dad, Daryl," I spoke confidently trying my best not to show him I didn't want to be split up from my dad. Dad drove off, He gave me my bag and told me to be careful.


Me and Glenn were walking when we heard groaning and something dragging come closer to us.

"Quick go up the ladder, Clary," Glenn ordered. I went up first and waited for him.

"Why not just kill it?" I asked him once we were both on the roof of one of the shops.

"Killing it would've attracted more of them geeks, and well I don't kill them other when it's necessary," He reasoned, looking down the ladder.

"Who's in your camp?" I requested, both of us are walking towards the next ladder.

"We have 3 families with seven kids in total, Me, a woman named Jacqi, a boy named Theodore but we call him T-dog, two sisters, Andrea and Amy, a man named Dale and Jim," Glenn listed. We went down the opposing ladder and the door opened. I held my knife up ready to attack whatever it was that opened the door.

"It's okay, their with me," Glenn lowered my knife. I don't know why but I'm starting to trust him just a little. Yeah I've known him for five minutes but he saved my life and showed me shelter.  I just looked at Glenn and he nodded. I put my knife back and cautiously walked in, Glenn next to me.

"Glenn hurry up!" Someone shouted from inside the building.

"He has someone with him," another voice called out. As we walked in, I could see everyone. The man me, dad and uncle Merle saw, and a blonde woman. I felt out of place, as usual. I stood there when I felt Glenn take my hand.

"It's okay," he assured me. I gave him a faint smile

"Glenn who's this?" The blonde woman asked.

"This is Clary, her dad and uncle should be coming later," Glenn introduced me.


Sorry for not updating yesterday I completely forgot my bad, but guyssss we're finally gonna meet the grouppp.

And I can not wait to write the different characters.

Don't forget to comment and vote for the chapters x

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