2: Atlanta

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"Merle! Look back at the other car. How far is it?" Daryl called out to his brother.

"Who the fuck is that?" Merle asked Daryl as he turned his bike around.

"How the fuck would I know!" Daryl asked as he put the hand brake up.

"There's traffic up ahead. Do you want to keep going?" Merle questioned.

"Stay, they might be heading to Atlanta themselves," Daryl stated.

"What about you Clary?" Merle asked his niece.

"We should carry on," She said as she got a water bottle out as she gave her dad one of those looks.

"We move then, as the child said," Daryl told his brother as he started the truck up again. The three of them continued the journey to Atlanta, occasionally seeing walkers, when they heard a deafening blast echoes through the air in the distance. Daryl looked back but saw no car or people behind them.

Merle came back around to the truck, " Their blowing up a city, must be overrun."

"Why would they blow up cities near Atlanta?" Clary asked.

"Fuckin mental that's why, no one's behind us either," Merle told her.

"Merle watch your language in front of her," Daryl warned his brother.

"It's nothing new dad, I'm used to it," Clary laughed. Daryl shook his head holding back his smile.

"Well you shouldn't be used to it, your only thirteen," Daryl told her. The Dixon's had travelled so that now they could see buildings and black smoke in the far distance.

"Daryl, Claire, set up camp for now," Merle told them both.

"Where on my fucking head?" Daryl asked as he stopped the truck. Clary put head down trying to cover her face from laughing.

"What's so funny 'ey," Merle asked Clary as Daryl pulled up the handbrake.

"Nothing Uncle Merle, nothing at all," Clary told him as he helped her out of the vehicle.


"Clary, c'mon let's go out hunting," Daryl held his hand out so that Clary could get up properly. It looked around dawn and the sky was bright, meaning walkers could be there keeping them company. She took his hand as she picked up a pocket knife and a bow and arrow. Daryl looked at her and tried to hide his smile.

"Dad, let's go eat some rabbits," Clary laughed as she took Daryl's hand. Daryl took the knife of off his daughter and put his arm around her shoulders.

"So Clarissa Dixon, what do you want to eat today?" Daryl asked jokingly after awhile.

"Hmm, what do we have today?" Clary joined in.

"On today's menu, we have Squirrel, rabbit, snake, or if we're lucky deer," He answered.

"I'm fine with that, what about you?" Clary asked.

"Wait a minute Clary, here take this," Daryl had one arm in front of Clary as he handed her a knife. She took the knife and looked around the woods.

"Dad, what is it?" She asked quietly.

"I heard something, that wasn't an animal," Daryl still had one arm in front of the thirteen-year-old but had his crossbow ready in the other. Clary's stomach had turned over and she began to feel uneasy.

"Dad," Clary said softly.

"Clary take your bow and arrow, and the knife and head back to your uncle. If you see something call one of us, okay?" Daryl had turned to Clary.

"Okay," Clary told him. Daryl hugged her and let her go back to where they had set up camp for the night. Clary ran through the woods with her knife in her hand and bow and arrow on her back.


Clary stopped in her tracks when she heard a rustling near her.

"Dad, Uncle Merle is that you?" Clary said in a hushed voice. No reply came through.

Clary carried on walking back to camp when she heard more noise behind her. Her heart began to beat rapidly and she clenched the knife. As Clary, carried on walking back to Merle she heard groaning and leaves moving behind her. She turned round to see two non-human creatures following.

Their skin was peeling off from their face, their clothes were ripped and their body was pale except for around the mouths, which was some sort of red-wine color. Clary's grip on her knife tightened as she walked backward trying not to let them out of her sight. Her hand was shaking and her stomach tightened making her feel like being sick. The walkers groaned and the walking pace increased.

Clary turned around and made a run for it. She ran through the woods pushing everything behind her when her leg got caught on something. The walkers were getting closer and she couldn't get her leg unstuck. Clary looked around and saw her knife was no longer with her.

"DAD! UNCLE MERLE!" Clary called out into the silence. The walkers were now close enough to grab her leg.

Late update but hi.

So far the book is just a filler I know, I know I'm sorry but honestly guys what do you think about it??

I'm interested in your opinions on the book sooo, don't forget to vote and comment!!

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