Notice - I'm finally back guys!!

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Long time no talk to my dear readers 🥰💜, I apologize with all my heart for not updating these days and disappearing like Sasuke. 😔I have been occupied with some important matters and was heartbroken to delete Wattpad for some time.🤧💔 I cannot promise you guys to update daily like before but I will try my best to write whenever I'm free.😁💖. I appreciate my faithful readers for supporting me no matter what and I want to let you all know that you guys are why I came back.☺️💜 By the end of the month, I will try to upload at least one chapter of "My Moonlight" and another one-shot story.^_^

Thank you so much and I'm sorry. UwU

My moonlight (Sasuhina)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum