part 12

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"YOU KNOW, YOU'RE far from home, darling," Harry says as we walked the isle together.

"And why do you care?" I asked. The whole time we were walking, he kept quiet.

"Well, maybe I'd like to get to know the Queen Bella. Is that so wrong?" I laughed.

"Considering the situation we're in, I rather not talk to you," I say, "No offense,"

"None taken, darling." Harry smiled lightly, "But why here?"

"All my life I feel like I have to live by this book my parents made. Its consuming my life and I had to get out. I want to live a normal life, without all the Queen stuff," I say truthfully. If you told me 3 years ago I'd be talking to Captain Hooks son about my life, I would have laughed in your face.

"And you seem to think coming here is normal? It's far from it. I would have run when I got the chance," He said.

"And that's why we're different, Harry," I said.

Harry stops in his tracks. We arrive at a building. Ursula's fish & chips, "Welcome,"

He leads me into the shop and all eyes are directly on me. Whispers start to swarm around me like a bees hive.

"Well, well, well, look who the tide dragged in," A teenage girl emerged from the shadows from the back.

"Uma, nice to put a face to the name," I say.

"Wish I could say the same your majesty," Uma said sitting down, "Have a seat,"

I sit across from her with my arms crossed, "What do you want?"

"The magic wand," Uma said.

"In your dreams," I scoff, "That's never gonna happen,"

"Oh, but it will," She laughed, "See, Mal is gonna bring it here so she can get her sweet little boyfriend back. And then, we're taking over Auradon,"

"What have you done with Ben?!" I asked. My brother was my life and I couldn't lose him.

"Don't worry, he's okay," Uma says,"For now. Would you like to see him?" I nod and she leads me to her ship.

I see Ben tied to a pole looking around. Him and I lock eyes and I run over to him.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt at all?" I asked checking his face for any marks.

"You're just like mom, I'm fine Bella" He says.

"Tie her up," Uma says to Harry. Harry grabs my arm and ties me to the same pole as Ben.

"Don't worry. If Mal knows whats good for her, she'll come soon for you both,"

Uma and Harry both walked away, leaving Ben and I with our thoughts.                                                     

It felt like hours since Uma left Ben and I. I kept wondering what the others were doing. I hope they're okay.

"Why would you come here?" Ben asked me. He hasn't talked since I got here.

"For Mal," I said, "I wanted her to be safe,"

"You and I both know she can handle herself," Ben argued, "Come on, B. Just tell me the truth,"

"I just felt trapped, Ben," I say, "I mean, with all the Queen's hard. I just want to live my life, have fun and not rule over a whole kingdom,"

"How come you didn't ask for help? I'm your brother and I want to help you," Ben says looking at me.

"Because I know you've been busy yourself, I know your planning something for Mal and you want it to be perfect," I tell him, "I know how much she means to you,"

"Bella, you mean more to me then anything. You never need to feel alone if you're going through anything,"

"I should have come to you. And I'm sorry, Ben," If only I could hug him right now.

"Don't be sorry," Ben says, "You know I love you, right?"

"Now you're acting like mom," I laugh. Ben laughs too.

"I don't mean to break this up, but your friends should be getting here soon. Hopefully you don't end up as bait," Uma said as she walked towards us.

Harry jumped in front of Ben and put his hook under his chin, "Coochy-coochy coo, how does it feel being a king now, eh?"

"Give it a rest, Harry. We don't want damaged goods," Uma says sitting down in front of us.

"You said that I could hook him," Harry says.

"I said at noon," Uma said sternly.

Harry walks towards Ben again and brings out a watch, "20 more minute,"

I looks at the clock, "That says 11:30,"

"You better hope your girlfriend comes through," Uma says.

"She's not my girlfriend anymore," 

"And what about your little boyfriend, My Queen?" Harry asked me. 

"Carlos has never been my boyfriend. Leave him out of this," I say sternly.

"Leave us alone, Harry,"

Harry walked up to Ben and smirked at him, "19 minutes now,"

"Go," Uma said sternly. Harry gave Ben one last look then walked away.

"I get that you don't deserve this" Ben says

Uma laughs, "This island is a prison thanks to your father," Her face changes, "And don't pretend to look out for me because no one's looking out for me. It's just me"

"So, this isn't your mom's plan" I ask her, "Isn't that her necklace?"

"My mom doesn't care about me either," Uma says, "Well, not unless she needs somebody for the night shift"

"Ouch," Ben says.

"I don't need your pity," Uma snaps back.

"No, you certainly don't," Ben says again, "You're very resourceful"

"Alright, lets trash talk Mal," Uma says getting up.

Ben seems unbothered, "I rather talk about you,"

"Mmm. Funny and gentleman," Uma laughs, "I really hope I don't have to feed you to the fishes"

"Oh, you won't," Ben says, "Set us free and we'll all leave together,"

Umas eyes light up, "Oh, so now I get an invite," She chuckles, "Gee, I wonder why,"

"Uma, you have to und-" I try to say but she cuts me off, "When you brought Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay to Auradon that's as mad as I've ever been in my life. And trust me, I've been plenty mad,"

"I never thought of it like that before," Ben says, "That we could've hurt the people I didn't pick"

"The plan was too start with four kids and bring more people over," I say to Uma, "I guess we were busy with our new responsibilities,"

"That sounds lame," Ben says, "I'm so sorry. You're a leader, Uma. So are we,"

"Come to Auradon and be part of the solution," I add onto Ben.

"Me? Apart of your solution?" Uma steps up to Ben and cocks her head, "Nah. I don't need you. I'm gonna get there on my own,"

Uma backs up, "Let's see what this puppy can do," she says, holding her mothers necklace.

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