part 10

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AS I MADE my way to the hallway, I could hear the paparazzi bombarding Carlos. I make my way through all of them and grab onto Carlos.

"Bella! Bella! Over here!" someone says.

I smile at everyone before speaking, "Everyone, please leave. We have a class to get to. Thank you!" I drag Carlos out of the crowd. 

"Thank you, Bella," Carlos says. 

I smile at him, "It's no problem, Carlos," 

"Hey, I was wondering...uh... did you finish the math homework from last night?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah, I did. Did you need help with it?" I ask him. He nods his head.

Jay comes up behind him with Evie and Mal following, "Smooth," he whispers patting Carlos' back before dragging him away.

Lonnie and Jane pass them and join us, "I have an opening for a fitting at 3:00. Who wants it?" Evie announces.

Lonnie is quick to answer, "Me! Sorry," 

"Perfect. I'll take you later," Evie points at Jane before talking to Lonnie about what she wanted for her dress. 

"I can hardly wait to see what your weddings will look like!" Lonnie says. I quickly hush her.

"Me, too. Wait! What?!" Mal's eyes widen as Lonnie's statement hits her.

"The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged, to be engaged, to be engaged," Jane says.

Evie gasps, "I knew it!" I sign quietly. I didn't like the idea of marriage. I'm still a kid and I feel like I haven't lived my life to the fullest. And I long for that feeling. 

"Well, everyone knows it," Lonnie says.

"I didn't know it! How come nobody told me?" Mal exclaims, "Is my entire life just planned out in front of me-" Mal starts but Ben approaches us.

"Hi, Mal," he greets.

Hi, Ben" the girls except Mal and me teases.

"Oh, Ben. Quick moment," Jane says pulling Ben to the side. 

Evie and Lonnie walk ahead of everyone. I stay back with Mal, "Is it actually happening? The engagement?" I nod my head.

"It has been for a while. I'm sorry, Mal," I say, "I have to go, but we'll talk later, okay?" she nods her head as I walk away.

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I was now inside the Amphitheater for fencing. Lonnie was getting ready. No one knew that Lonnie was doing this. Since she's a girl, she's not allowed on the team, "All set, go get 'em" I say pushing her through the doors.

"Boys, let's line it up. Carlos, you're with me," Jay yells. Everyone got into position.

"Assembler. Salute. Lower the point. Masks down. En grade," Jay yells.

Swords were clanging against one another. I became distracted when Jane pulls out her tablet to ask questions about Cotillion, "You know, I really liked the party favors, especially the pencil toppers-" she gets cut off when someone gasp.

I look down to see Jay and one other person going one on one. I knew it was Lonnie and I smiled, "Get 'em, Jay," Carlos cheers. They keep going back and forth until Lonnie grabs his sword but then returns it. She takes her mask off to reveal herself.

"It's Lonnie!" Jane exclaims.

Cheers and applause fill the room, "Not bad," Jay says.

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