part 8

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IT WAS THE next day. Coronation day. I haven't talked to Carlos since my outburst with him. He was going to be sitting with Evie and Jay as well. But Mal was still in front with Ben. 

I get off of my carriage with Lonnie. After we made up, I invited her to be my 'special guess'

"This is crazy, B," Lonnie said as we made our way up the stairs. Ben and Mal were already there, waving at everyone.

Lonnie and I bowed in front of my parents, "About the other day, I just-" Mal starts.

"I told my children this wasn't going to be easy," Father cuts her off.

"You also taught us that a King and Queen has to believe in themselves," Ben says.

"Even when it isn't easy," I finish.

"I did?" He says, " very wise of me,"

"Kids, we're so proud of you for following your heart. The kingdom is in great hands,"

I smile at my mother as I hook arms with Ben, "Let's do this baby bro,"

"I'm younger than you by a minute," He says rolling his eyes.

"Still," I chuckle.

Mal and Lonnie went away with my parents to find their seats. 

Ben and I finally start our way up the stairs to enter the grand hall, "I wish I was here with Carlos," I say. Ben knew exactly what I was feeling.

"Well, maybe you don't have to wish that," Ben says. I didn't get a chance to respond. The doors opened as the choir sang. Everyone looked at us in awe. Carlos was standing next to Mal with a big smile on his face.

"Ben, how did you.." I trailed off. We were almost to the front.

"He came and talked to me last night. He knows the truth about you. B, I think he loves you," Ben says. I couldn't believe it. My eyes never left his as we continued to walk. 

When we finally made it to the front, I grabbed his hand, "I'm happy you're here," I say with a soft smile.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," He says, "Now go get that crown," I nodded my head and walked up the small stairs.

Fairy Godmother approaches mother and father, bowing at them both. She took mothers crown and walked towards me. I kneeled down as she set the crown on my head. She then does the same to Ben.

I look up to see my friends, my family, looking at us proudly. Father steps up and takes the glass dome off of Fairy Godmothers' wand. She then takes it out of my Mothers hand and places it in front of us, "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auardon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother recites.

"I do solemnly swear," Ben and I answer.

"Then it is my honor, and my job, to bless our new King and Queen," Fairy Godmother says. As I'm about to look up, everyone gasp. I thought Mal took the wand, but it was Jane.

"Child, what are you doing!?" Fairy Godmother says to her daughter and she waved the wand everywhere. I got off of my knees and stood in front of Carlos.

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" Jane yells. I hold onto Carlos as she keeps waving the wand, "Bibbdi-bobbidi-boo!"

"Take cover!" Father yells.

Mal breaks away from Ben and rushes towards Jane as they fight over the wand, "Careful, Mal," Mother says. Mal forcefully grabs onto the wand and held it up, Jane runs away quickly.

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