42. The email

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"Exactly 6 months after her death, I received that email. And my plan for vengeance started."
Yoongi's eyes grew dark, his voice heavier and his nostrils were flaring with anger.

"What email ?"
Both Hobi and Jimin spurred out at the same time.

Yoongi handed over an old phone to Hobi.
It had no network, no internet, no other apps, just a smiling picture of Yuna with her head on Yoongi's shoulder as the wallpaper and the mail icon at the bottom.

Hobi remembers that picture. That's the picture she sent him years ago, and Hobi vividly remembers the whole conversation they had after that.

"What do you think about this little kitten? Should I adopt him already?"

"Stray cats are wild things. You shouldn't."
Hobi had replied.

"Bad news, your sister has a habit of fixing everything broken."
Said Yuna, in all her glory.

And surprisingly, she successfully tames the wildness of Yoongi.

The arrogant, workaholic, introvert slowly transformed into an affectionate, caring and responsible boyfriend. So when Yuna walked down the aisle and Yoongi had tears in his eyes & a smile on his lips after looking at her, Hobi knew her sister made the right choice.

Wiping away tears from the corner of his eyes, Hobi clicked on the email icon only to find one single mail in the inbox.
As he scrolled through the several attachments, things started falling into place in his head.

Kidnapping Jungkook wasn't just any other contractual deal Yoongi randomly picked up, it was the strategic move which was years in making.

But little did Yoongi expect that while avenging his dead wife, he would end up gambling with the life of the only person who was some warmth in his dark, cold world.

Yoongi was drinking at a bar when a new email had popped up on his screen. As his body was practically 50% alcohol at that point, he decided to ignore it. After two more drinks, when he was to grab his phone and leave, it slipped out of his hand on to the floor.

Pitting at Yoongi's condition, the bartender picked it up for him and just to avoid a drunken man creating a scene after losing control or balance, he swiftly added,
"Sir, why don't you sit down a moment and read the email you have received? Might be really important."

Ushering him towards a more comfortable seat, he handed over Yoongi's phone.
Yoongi did as he asked.

And that changed everything, and ultimately made Yoongi face everything he was facing today.

While jhope, Jimin and Yoongi restlessly discussed their plan of action thereafter, somewhere in the outskirts of the city, Taehyung had y/n at gunpoint.

"How did you find your way here ?"
No matter how much of shock Taehyung was in, his voice was as calm as deep seas.

"You keep forgetting that I'm good at my job."
your response was snappy, a tone Taehyung wasn't liking.

"You'll turn around and walk back to your room, right now!"

"Why ? This place seems nice. I'll stay here for a while."
You took a step forward and sat down on the thrown like chair.

Taehyung's room was immaculate. Huge, well furnished and filled with paintings on the walls.
In short, it reeked of luxury.

"Darling, if you are thinking on a vacation here, let me remind you, you are being held hostage."
Taehyung made it look snarky but there was no grin on his face.

You can't be here. You can't ruin my plan after I have come this far.

"Get out."
Calm, composed but commanding, this was Taehyung's final warning.

"Or what ? You'll kill me ?"
You challenged.

His eyes grew darker, his gun still pointing at you. In the dim lighting of the room, his face wasn't completely visible. Light and shadows playing hide & seek over his bare chest as he was just out of a shower. His hair dripping wet, his pants hanging loose over the V of his abdomen.
Taehyung looked like the reincarnation of the devil, hot-sexy and jaw-droppingly gorgeous devil.

"Why won't you ever listen to me?"
He asked and you smirked.

And there it was, a grin on his face.

You knew it would work. You knew Taehyung's knees grew weak for bold women. If not other women, then the boldness in you.

You stood up and started walking towards him, meanwhile his eyes never broke contact with yours.

When the only distance between you two was his small black gun and you could feel the heat radiating out of his body, you were still battling with countless thoughts in your head.

It needs to. Your plan needs to work. Only if you can call such an absurd, circumstantial, rash thing, a plan.

"You need to walk away y/n. Go back to the room you were in."
For the first time you noticed a shake in his voice.

"Or what ?"
your words, merely a whisper.

Taehyung was holding his breath, his eyes closed, trying his best to not let his dick make decisions for him rather than his head.

As you lowered your eyes, his rock hard erection almost made you laugh.


You knew Taehyung couldn't resist you, not anymore after that huge thing was almost trying to barge out of his pants.

Taehyung's eyes were still closed and for a second, you closed yours.
You were going to let another man fuck you while Jungkook's touch still lingered on your skin.
And the saddest part was, you were almost forcing it to happen.

Playing the Taehyung card was your only option and why should you be feeling guilty? Jungkook wasn't your boyfriend. Heck, he was your hostage.
What happened between you two was nothing and that was no way it could last.
You have to think of your escape right now, your survival depended on it.

And yet, there was some moistness around the corner of your eyes.
Fuck! Fuck!
You can't let this show.

Before Taehyung could open his eyes, you had your face over the nape of his neck.
In an almost inaudible whisper, the sinful words left your lips.

"Fuck me, daddy."
Taehyung's body jolted. And all hell broke loose.

He grabbed you by hip and swirled you in air, before slamming you over the table.

Both of his hands cupped your face, his eyes burning, as if he was in a maddening trance.

"y/n, you are gonna be the death of me."
That's all he could say before slamming his lips over yours.


a/n : the update's late but I wish it was worth it 🤭
and yes, my characters are flawed. I'm owning it.

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