21. Bullet Between Eyes

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


" Go blow that blonde, I'm no more letting you fuck with my feelings."

His words left you stupefied. It was like a slap and a kiss landed together. Your blood boiled at his audacity to speak about Yoongi in that tone while his last two words kept ringing at the back of your head.

My feeling. MY FEELING ? 

What is that supposed to mean ? All if that, that happened between you and him, meant something to him ? Did he feel for you in a certain way ? In what way to be exact ? All of these questions kept barging up in your head as you stood there, frozen. 

" What.. what do you mean by that ? " you spurred.

" You tell me Y/N. What was on your mind when we were in that cabin ?" his straight up question paced your heartbeat, while your mind was tearing apart thinking about the answers.

" I.. I don't know." you spoke with a lump in your throat.

" Yeah. You don't know. You don't know because it must be so common for you. Very common to lure your hostages like this, making them feel like they were really someone to you ? " his teeth gritted in anger but his eyes were moist, hiding some unavoidable pain.

" I.. I.. You " you stuttered as proper words failed to form anything meaningful out of your mouth.

To that Jungkook slammed a hand on the wall behind you, now his body towering over yours, his eyes staring down at your face.

" I started liking you Y/N. Knowing that it was the most irrational thing to do, knowing that it will flip my world upside down, I still did. And do you know what's the saddest part ? I thought you too felt for me the same way. " His voice was no more arrogant, his eyes were no more dark. Softness took over him, making him weak and vulnerable.

He stepped back, you still frozen like a statue at the same place. You couldn't make yourself move or speak. Your mind was racing, tripping over each and every sentence spoken by Jungkook. All of this was new to you. Never had anyone told you that they liked you. All that was known to you was animalistic sex or rejection from the one you thought you loved. You have never been on the receiving side. So when Jungkook confessed, your whole system had a failure. 

Jungkook still waited for you to talk, for you to tell him that he was wrong. That you too felt something for him, that he was so wrong thinking that there was something between you and Yoongi. But none of that happened. You stood there wordlessly, looking at everything but his eyes. Too scared to face the reality, too weak to accept your own feelings.

" I'm sorry. " after a long uncomfortable silence, you finally spoke.

" For what exactly ? " he questioned instantly.

" For what Yoongi did. " 

" After all the things I said, this is what you have to say ?" his voice painfully dull.

" He is't what you think him to be. "

" Oh "  a dry laugh left his lips and he spoke again,

" So who is he Y/N ? Who is he to you ? "  he groaned.

" Jungkook-ssi, let me answer these questions for you. " said a calm voice and you turned your head to find Hobi standing outside the open door.

Walking in, wearing a black suit and looking like a Mafia lord, Jung Hoseok entered Jungkook's room

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Walking in, wearing a black suit and looking like a Mafia lord, Jung Hoseok entered Jungkook's room. Flaunting a big calmed smile on his face, he stood in front of you and put a hand on your shoulder.

" Y/N, go get some sleep. "

You nodded like an obedient child as your nerves relaxed that Hobi will get things settled for you, like he always does. When you were near the door, you hear him call your name again.

" Yes hyung. " you asked turning back to face him.

" Always remember one thing " he inhaled slowly, preparing for the next words.

" Never, I repeat, Never shy off from speaking the truth. " 

His words made a chill go down your spine. With the blood on your hands and the darkness you lived in, how can you speak the truth and not scare off the other person ? How do you speak the truth and not get judged ? How can you speak the truth when you yourself can't face it ?

You stood there wordlessly. Staring at the floor, until he asked you to leave and the very next moment you were gone, leaving Jungkook clueless thinking what exactly was happening.

Hobi smiled a little wider while seeing Jungkook sweating even though he was just wearing a towel.

" First get dressed Jungkook-ssi. After that we need to have a long talk. "

A bit confused, Jungkook pulled the tshirt down his head and changed into a pair of track pants which were a size smaller than he wears and hugged his thighs too tight, flexing his muscles a lot more than he usually preferred to.

When he was done, he walked upto the couch Hobi has settled himself on and sat on a chair across it.  His muscular legs winning a glace from the elder,

" Ah. Now I can guess why Y/N is so distracted after meeting you. "

 Jungkook was washed in embarrassment from Hobi's comment and a shy smile creeped onto his lips. 

" I'm Jung Hoseok, the owner of this Motel and like a brother to the girl you like." He extended his hand towards Jungkook for a handshake.

Jungkook reciprocated the action and gave a weak smile, while Hobi spoke again,

" Also, I'm a very peace loving man but if I ever see you talking to her in that tone again, there will be a bullet between your eyes. "


A/N : I can kill to have a brother like Hobi 😭

Unarmed 🔞 || JJKNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ