12. Cigarette

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Jimin hopped into his jeep and started the engine after giving you a minute long hug and several minutes of lectures of dos and don'ts which were all directly or indirectly related to only one man, Jeon Jungkook.

" Kook is a good man and I wish things would have been normal, we were normal, I would have loved to be your bridesmaid at your wedding. "
" JIMIN ! It is just a fling, cut the crap out. "
you sneered, even though you almost imagined Jimin looking exceptionally stunning in an all white suit as your bridesmaid.

" Don't try me Y/N. I know you better than you know yourself that's what scares me the most. I know where this is heading. It's just a matter of few days and then he will be free, gone. You would be left alone, hurt, all over again."
Jimin was not wrong. He knew you too well to see through all of it and even beyond. With all your mind you wanted to do what he was saying, you wanted to be the person with Jungkook that you were to all others but you couldn't. No matter how hard you try, no matter how much you try to hold on to all the rationality, it would escape all the leash for that stupid, bunny like, sexy man.

" Don't fall Y/N. That's all I ask for. " were Jimin's last words before his jeep roared out of sight.

When you stepped inside the cabin you found Jungkook eating the last portions of his third bowl of Tteokbokki. His eyes glued to the end of his chopsticks, hunting for the last bits, only if any, available in the bowl.

" Jimin left ?" he asked without lifting up his head.

" Yup " you replied while moving up towards the table to clear the dishes from there. 

You were standing in opposite side of Jungkook when he was done and looked up at you. With a babyish smile on his face, his bunny teeth peeping through, you spotted sauce stains on both corner of his lips. Right then, in that very moment, every lecture of Jimin went down the drain overpowered by an unbeatable desire to kiss the cutest man sitting in front of you. Your lips parted a bit, your throat desert dry and you had to grab the corner of the table tightly. Not kissing him was such a difficult task.

" J-Jun.. Junngkook " that's all you could utter and gestured him to wipe his lips. But that little brat rather showed the audacity to bend over the table and come inches close to you, bringing his face near you so that you could do it for him. The hands that never trembled while firing bullets into human skull were shaking obnoxiously as you lifted them and slowly wiped his soft, tender, ruby lips. You immediately stepped back after you were done and paced outside the cabin.

You rubbed the back of your neck and walked back and forth, thinking, rethinking, what was this effect that Jungkook has on you ? Everything about that man was so attractive, so desirable, so natural. The first few hours with him, you know you had intense physical attraction towards his body. Within the next few hours you held him in your arms and it felt so peaceful and now, the only thing that occupied your brain was only one man. On numerous times you had to remind yourself that you weren't on a playdate but in middle of a mission, the most profitable one that you had in all these years. Your fight with your demons was getting more intense with every passing minute with that young man. 

Frustrated at your inability to control your emotions, you were getting annoyed with Jungkook. A strange anger took over you. You wanted to kiss him and slap his face at the same time. You blamed him for being so irresistible, for being so jawdroppingly handsome, for making you feel the way no one ever could  do. Grunting in frustration you pushed a cigarette between your teeth and walked inside.

You eyed Jungkook while releasing large smoke rings. There was a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

" Don't smoke here." he announced. You were unmoved.

" Y/N. Please put down that cigarette. I don't like it's smell" This time his tone was much gentle and requesting.

" But I want to smoke one right now." your reply was as blunt as possible.

Jungkook took a few steps towards you, his eyes softened.

" Please. You know it's shit for your healt.."

" Aishh " you hissed and concentrated on blowing clouds out of your nostrils.

" I asked you to stop Y/N." Jungkook's voice grew much louder and demanding.

" What if I don't ? What will you do ?" you mocked, throwing a disgusted expression at him.

" Don't test me Y/N. Or else.. " he mumbled in a low yet very raspy voice.

" Or else what huh ? You'll stop me ? C'mon show me ! What can yo.. "

He just did the exact thing, the only thing that would have stopped you.  The softest pair of lips, the ones you had just felt on your fingertips were slammed on your lips. Even with the extreme closeness between your bodies there was a little gap because the burning cigarette held in your hand. Jungkook pulled on your waist, eradicating the last bit of distance between your bodies, your senses were frozen, your cigarette between your fingers was now burning a hole in the fabric of his pullover. His lips had such an intoxicating effect on you that you couldn't move any of your limb. The burning tip reach upto his skin and he scrunched his eyes in pain yet not parting his lips from yours. The crushed cigarette fell on the floor, Jungkook's hands snaked around your waist and his lips were hungrily waiting for you to approve the access. The warmth of his skin made you forget all the shields your held up against him, your lips parted, giving him a proud entry. As his tongue traveled deep in your mouth, swirling in till each corner, battling with your tongue inside, you felt the flapping of wings of thousand butterflies in your abdomen. Your fingers naturally slipped between his lustrous ebony locks , slightly tugging them, making him release a soft moan into the kiss. He returned the tease by taking your lower lip between his teeth, gently nibbling on it and the giving it a rough bite. That resulted your body to arch more, pressing harder on his torso, sending electric waves down your spine. His dominance over your body was driving you crazy, releasing streams of adrenaline in your veins, throbbing pressure in your core melted your body over his. Sucking till the last drop of passion, leaving you gasp for air, he pulled out of the hungry kiss with an devilish yet satisfied grin on his face. He wiped off his wet lips and leaned forward to whisper in your ears,

" If you don't stop, I won't stop myself either. "  and gave a ticklish bite under your ear, exactly at your sweet spot.


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