Then it clicked; Y/n remembered seeing him back in the cave! Before, Y/n wasn't able to see his face, but now here he was, clear as day (well, they were in the cave but you get the point).

"Uh," the girl slipped away from the entrance, the material of the tarp leaving her hand. Y/n brought one hand halfway up to wave, "hi there."

The unfamiliar face sat there, leaning against the curve of the cave with an unwavering form, "hello."

Okay, Y/n didn't know exactly what she was expecting to come out from behind the mask, but it was a pleasant surprise to hear a relatively normal voice for once; even if this voice did sound pretty tired.

"I'm Y/n.. but you probably knew that already," Y/n rolled her head off to the side as she spoke. Even if there were some killers out there that she hadn't met yet, her name probably had already spread around like a wildfire.

The masked male before her scooted himself to his left, her right so that he was a body's length away from the curve of the wall, "I've heard of you," he patted the area on his left, "I'm Skully."

Y/n eyed his action warily.

Even in the dark, even with his mask, she could feel him roll his eyes, "I'm on guard and don't need you standing on the doorstep," he explained, tapping the place beside him once more. Y/n nodded and moved across the cave. She could feel Skully's eyes trained onto her figure until she stopped beside him. The area where he was sitting was facing the tarp, hidden away from the path of the cave; so anyone who was bound to turn the corner or see the tarp wouldn't see him first.

Y/n sat down and shifted a tad to the left, keeping enough space between the two of them.

"How many of you are there? That...use this hideout currently, I mean." Y/n asked. Liu and Jeffrey came in late and Y/n had only seen Clockwork a bit after she had fallen asleep. There quite literally could be more that she didn't know about that knew of her.

Skully lifted his head up to the ceiling as he hummed aloud in thought, "ten...eleven? Hard to keep count. You'd make twelve...probably."

Skully began to mess with something in his hands in the dark. She glanced down, spotting a small object he was thumbing between his fingers; his fingernails were painted with dark polish and he had fingerless gloves with a faded, white design on the top of the gloves. They looked to be what remained of a bone design, one down each finger.

"Do you guys leave at all?" She asked quietly, her e/c eyes flicking back up. Skully only shrugged.


Y/n pursed her lips. She wasn't getting the information she wanted out of him, only incomplete answers.

"Has anyone found this place yet?"

"If anyone you mean outsiders, then no." Skully began thrumming his fingers against the stone that was pressed against their backs, "at least, not yet."

The fact that Skully had said 'yet' was unsettling. The possibility of a random hiker or a family that wanted to go spelunking for some crazy reason could run into their hideaway so easily was worrying; not that Y/n had any doubts that the people here could take care of the problem quickly, she knew they could, Y/n would only carry the victim's guilt afterward. Y/n turned her head to the left and spotted a small bug, a spider, moving near her. She shifted over to the right, closer to Skully, only a small bit in slight disgust.

Deeper in the cave a sound echoed loudly toward them like an item had been dropped. Something metal against the cold stone. A curse followed soon after, not as loud, but the walls of the cave made it seem louder than need be.

One Killing MazeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant