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Sequel to One Killer Maze.



Search results for; One Killer Maze (2,640,000 results)

[Document] One Killer Maze; a Downfall

We've all heard of OKM, or One Killer Maze, right? If you've been out of the loop, One Killer Maze was a reality TV show that starred...

[Article] One Killer Maze's Contestants and Where They are Now!

Connor Saelu, Rena Salazar, Armen O'Riley, Ann Leir, Yei Jeng, Azar Nelan, Mair Howells, Philip Carlin, and more!

[Quiz] What Previous OKM Winner are You?

Take it and find out!

[Discussion] OKM Fans Unite!

Not a place for antis! Let's band together and find out what happened to this show!

Taking you to, OKM Fans Unite!



Cutena (Creator of OKM Discuss) - Posted

     hey all, welcome to my website 😊! just wanted to find all the fans and watchers of OKM that are still out there that want to come around and talk about the show and maybe even find out where the "actors"/actors, contestants/"contestants" are, etc.! I know this seems kinda abrupt and out of the blue, but I'm sure with what happened only like, two months ago?? it's been a trainwreck and i'm still processing things. lemme know what you guys think! (i'll be sharing this everywhere. please do as well)

          Comments - 12 Likes - 34

Ashe4 (Founder) - Commenter - Replies 2

     this sounds like a great idea, @Cutena! just a few questions, will we be actively searching/looking for the "actors"/actors, contestants/"contestants" and all that? if so, i think we should make designated groups for each section so information isn't miscommunicated. also, will you be creating different sections on your page for different kinds of posts? :) let me know what you think, i'll def be an active member on your page!

     Cutena (Creator of OKM Discuss) - reply to @Ashe4

          hey @Ashe4! I was thinking about doing that, actually! seems like we share the same awesome ideas! I keep hearing a lot of misinformation around different forums so that's the reason I created my page in the first place 🤭 ... I will do that immediately! here's a founder role for you, first commenter!

               Ashe4 (Founder) - reply to Cutena

                    great! thank you so much :D

l4stdanc3 - Commenter - Replies 1

     This sounds like a neat idea, I'll share this. Won't have much time though, but I'll be on the lookout for info!

     Cutena (Creator of OKM Discuss) - reply to l4stdanc3

          great! thank you so much, your help is appreciated!

Meydan (Actor Informant) - Commenter - Replies 3

     Hello. I do have information on a possible location of a few of the actors.. That said, I'd like to join the actor search squad ^^, been a long-time fan of the show and I hope the information that was hidden from its fans to be brought to light.

One Killing MazeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora