part 21

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These days have been fun. I've been learning a lot from Fitz, Tim take me out to their club at nights and we partied. I even drank some alcohols, it makes my head spin, but some of the drinks that Timothy made is absolutely delicious!

Nicholas hasn't come back yet although he told me through the text that he'll be here either yesterday or today. I guess he'll be here today.

Since he was gone, I've been sleeping with Fitz as he's the one I've been very close to. He taught me business, history and he even taught me about their business. It turns out they are shareholders to almost 180 companies worldwide. They only have 3 companies that they manage on their own, Lullas - the adult toys company, Globes - the media company and lastly, Favella Club. These are the business that they own privately. I'm amazed how they can do all these things yet still works as a professional.

"Elena?" It's Nic! He's back, I quicky rushed to the front door jumped on him and hugged him tight

"Woah, easy there tiger" Fitz said.

"Hi Nic" I greeted.

"Hi baby, I've missed you so so much"

"Me too" I replied as he kissed me passionately.

Tim is currently serving us lunch. It's aglio olio for today and Nic's stomach gurgled. He must be hungry. We sat at the dining table for our lunch.

"How's everything there?" Tim asked

"It's great, we went to a school and an orphanage, 3 girls were already eliminated which is great, I'm left with 2 girls, Isabelle and Anastasia. Anastasia's parents owned the orphanage that we visited yesterday. It was far up in south, its nice to fit 40 kids.." Nic tells them

"Wow. How noble" Fitz complimented

"Yeah, humble too" Nic replied. I sat and eat in silence as I feel a bit incompetent to the girl he had just mentioned. I don't have anything to be proud of as of now, I have no achievement, I have nothing built, I haven't helped anybody.

As I finished my lunch, I went to the sink to wash my plate, Nic joined me and asked, "Are you okay love?"

I silently nodded, smiling at him, "so what have you done while I was gone?"

"Oh, Fitz taught me more about politics, your family tree and its hierarchy, some business strategies, you know"

"I see, have you been naughty?" He teasingly asked

"What?" I asked back, surprised

"I'm joking love, come, let's take a walk" Nic offered and I joined him.

We slowly walked outside, around the neighborhood, the weather is warm, it's perfect. However there is still the silence between us.

"Nic.."  I called him

"Hmm?" He replied

"Is .. There anything going on with... With you and the girls that audition?" I asked, feeling a bit jealous if there is. .

"No love, remember that I said I will choose you and I like you?" Nic asserted, I nodded as a reply and we continue walking back in silence.

Once we reached home, I plan to shower so I head upstairs to Nic's room and get to the bathroom.

"Elena.." Nic said..


"I can't do this to you, I'm gonna be honest, I'm sorry Elena," Nic took a deep breath, I anxiously listened to him,"I went to the orphanage yesterday in South Cordonia so it was quite a drive to reach there, so once we're there, we stayed at Anastasia's house. Their parents had initially set up a guest room for me but it turns out that their bed broke, so I stayed in Anastasia's room and .. I slept with her"

"Oh.. It's just sleeping right" I said, relieved.

"Elena.." Nic approaches closer me,"no love, we uh... fucked"

"Oh," I mouthed. Can't get any words from my mouth like my brain is cluttered, "I'm gonna shower"

"I'm sorry, Elena" Nic mumbled. I ignore him, as I head to the shower. Not sure if I'm angry or sad. Probably a bit of both even though I know I can't be angry, or jealous.. He said he liked me but does it mean anything at all?

There were lots of thought during the shower but once I'm done, I head back downstairs and met Tim working in the kitchen

"Hi Tim" I greeted

"Hi babe, try this" He gave me a spoonful of soup

"Delicious" I complimented

"Yeah? Do you want to go with me tonight to the club?"

"I'd love to, I'll get ready" I added. Head upstairs changed and got ready. Funny, I didn't see Nic here, so I don't bother to tell him that I'm going with Tim.

I went back downstairs where Tim is waiting, together we go to the club. I followed Tim to the bar where he mixed some drinks for me while I sit on the bar stool.

"Imma head to the back office for a while, you good here?" Tim asked

"Yeah! Go ahead" I replied and off he goes.

I sipped on the drink that Tim has made, its not strong, he knows I can't take it but its refreshing, I could use some drink after all.

"Alone?" A guy from my right abruptly appear and asked me. I simply nodded and looked to my right and behind to search for Tim, he's not here but I'm pretty sure he'll be here in a moment. I took another sip at the drink and the guy beside me keep blabbering stuff, call me rude but I have no idea what he is talking about, the music is too loud.

I kept ignoring him and went to the dance floor with my drink on my hand. I swayed with the music and let the alcohol kick in, Tim must've put a little bit more alcohol on this drink. It just took a bit longer to kick in.

Around 3 songs later, I felt a bit tipsier than usual. Still I enjoyed the music but the guy that was talking to me is now beside me and start grabbing my waist, I wanted to fight but can't. I've finished my drink by now I wanted to get a refill. I don't see tim anywhere too. I can't really move my body, it felt limp I wonder why. The music is now too loud for my head and every thump I hear is hurting my head and eardrums. I felt someone touching me and also I felt tickles on my neck, my visions are blurry I have no idea what's happening to me. I wanted to get out of here fast so I screamed for Tim. I still feel hands on my body I immediately feel disgusted knowing its not anyone I know that's doing this to me. However why am I feeling wet? I also feel the wetness on my shoulders and my neck, what is going on? What is happening to me? I panicked a little bit, I still tried to get off the dance floor but the bodies of people dancing kept me from getting out.

"Elena!" Wait I heard tobias shouting my name, is that really tobias though?

"Elena geez" Oh wait it really is Tobias, I grabbed his arm to steady myself before feeling the blackout coming for me.

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