part 18 - N

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I woke up with Elena in my arms, I moved slowly so that I don't wake her. I have to go even though I didn't want to leave her.

I freshen up and left her a note, saying that I'll be gone to the palace when she wakes up and that I'll come back soon within this week. I can't stay away too long from her, I'll crave for her.

Downstairs, Fitz and Karl are both using the gym, I greeted them and asked them to take care of Elena when I'm gone. I told them that I'll be back within this week too, and I drove off to the palace.

Once I got into my room to prepare for the meeting this afternoon, a voice greeted me, "Hi your highness"

I was startled to see Flora, one of the girls almost naked in my bed. Jeez talk about needy. Another girl hugged me from behind my back, "you were gone for a while your highness", I look back and see it that its Kayla.

"Ladies, please head back to your room, I'll be with you this evening, I have to prepare for some meetings as of now" I ordered and they complied, rushing outside to head back to their room.

On my desk, there are all the informations about the new distribution center, it's about food distribution on the north side of our country, see every month, the kingdom provide simple feeding needs for our citizen, the food supply include grains, oats, oil, sugar, coffee, tea, wheat and flour. All commodities given are ensured to each family that it will suffice as their basic needs.

The north side distribution was merged with west side distribution before this new plan, but we found out that there is a huge acre of land by the north, unused and I thought to make an even more effective monthly food distribution, why don't we open a new distribution center on each region. There are details of the size, the sorting machine and the storage size, etc, I skim through everything and ensuring that I remembered any important details needed to make decision during the meeting. Next I read through a new product idea from our vibrator company. It's still a prototype, the cost is missing, the design is not final so I threw it to trash. How did this kind of report got to me I silently thought. Finally, the girls report, there are 5 small handbook about the girls' details, their demographics to their body size. What they like and they don't like, I gave very little attention to that as I couldn't care less. It was never my intention to be with those girls anyway.

There's a knock on the door before Daniel comes in, "sir they're ready in the meeting room." I nodded, took the file with me and head to the meeting room with Daniel.

"Gentleman" I greeted everyone in the meeting room as they rise from their seat.

"Let's begin" Daniel said, a young man presented the meeting about the distribution center. They have analyzed about the cost we would save, they explained further about their methods on how they are able to save almost 45 grand a month, they informed a huge amount of installation cost is needed initially, they also mentioned with this newly opened distribution center, they will add around 20,000 workforce to the country, which is great, 20k less unemployment.

Some times went by and I'm happy with what they have delivered in the meeting, it was very comprehensive and detailed, they could answer all my questions asked perfectly.

"Alright, great job everyone, when can we execute this plan?" I asked

"Our pipeline stated that we'll start this within next week, if the contractors to built the building is approved, sir" He answered as he showed a slide with a detailed cost of construction including the building material. Its expensive initially but its for the greater good, they have compared them to other construction too.

"Okay, lets start next week, thank you everyone for delivering this, great work and I hope this will be success to the north" I said and thanked everyone as I head out ending the meeting.

It's noon and I'll have a late lunch, I went back to my room, popped some tv show while I eat my lunch.

I purposely prolonged my lunch so that I don't have to spend a long time with the girls on their tea time. This will go on until I've chosen one out of the 5 girls to eventually be my wife.

After my lunch, I head to the east wing where the girls stayed and found them in the dining area for their tea time. I joined them for some formalities. Flora and Kayla, surprisingly hasn't dress up, still wearing almost nothing. I didn't inform them the the queen and king will be joining us today, let them be so that they will be eliminated quicker.

"Ladies" I greeted, as I approached the dining table.

"Your highness" They greeted back as the bowed.

"Please, continue, allow me to join all of you here" I said while a palace steward gave me a cup of tea and I thanked her.

"How was your meeting your highness?" Anastasia asked

"Its good, the plan went well, Northern Cordonia will have its distribution center soon" I replied

"I heard they will begin building the DC by next month sir?" Isabelle asked back, continuing the conversation

"Next week actually, its been prioritized  and accelerated" I replied, slurping my tea

"Your majesties" All the girls curtsied, while Kayla and Flora hesitated, covering themselves with the cushion.

"I apologize for the inappropriate choice of clothes, your majesty" Flora first to speak.

"And since when do you think its appropriate even if you're meeting my son?" The queen asked, as she gestured for the guards to take them out.

Jackpot! They're both eliminated.

My parents joined us for the tea, they asked the Isabelle, Anastasia and Charlotte about the condition in their hometown. They're rather educated, they're born with wealth, probably a bit ignorant to many situations one of them being the poverty in their town. They mostly hang out with the other so called socialites, and if we were to marry, probably its to add value for their own wealth. At least that's how Charlotte and Isabelle proved to be.

"Well in my town, condition is not as bad as others, the main problem is prostitution, there are 3 brothels, 1 being the most proper of all, they provide regular tests for all the worker, they provide contraception, but the other 2 not so much. Hence there are a lot of babies born from that place, if they are girls, they're raised there and if the babies are males, they're forced to work outside. My parents then built a place for them, sort of like an orphanage, where we find teachers, cooks and others to help raise the children, but it's very limited of what we can do given the financial situation and that mostly, females in my town are.. Lady of the night" Anastasia explained. Well that striked me.

"So what's your initiative to help them?" I asked

"My parents built the place, it's not huge but I guess its decent for 40 kids for babies until 15 years old. I teach the kids there, basic math, english and civil. Civil is a lesson we made for the kids to learn.. Manners and standard set of behaviours, and English just so they can learn how to storytell and communicate properly with others. We took in babies too and I sometimes helped care for them. They require most cares out of the others honestly" She explained further.

Impressive. My parents are quite taken aback from Anastasia too I can tell.

"Well, I'd love to visit your hometown then, perhaps we can arrange a schedule sometimes this week" I said

"The children will be very happy" Anastasia said smiling, I smiled back out of courtesy which then made Charlotte and Isabelle looked quite.. Jealous?

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