i spotted rue, lexi and gia, and turned to vic, forgetting that i asked her to help me find drinks not even a second ago. "wanna go against each other?" i pointed to the games rue and them had just left.

she gave me a sarcastic smirk, before we hurried off to the games, we stood next to other, hitting our hands together before starting. and as minutes went by, victoria ended up wining and i threw my hands up. "you're ass!" she pointed, poking me in the chest.

i hit her hand away, before hooking our arms again. "please, you're not even good."

she laughed, and we eventually found some, as we waited in line, from afar i seen maddy and nate arguing. "i swear that guy.. i hate him." i shook my head, and vic leaned to see who i was talking about, but once she noticed she nodded in agreement.

i watched as he walked away from her, going to where his dad was. and on the way, he passed me. but completely didn't see me, and i so badly wanted to stick my foot out and trip his bitch ass... but again, and especially after mckays party, im scared. funny, huh?

the two of us walked around, bored. while i tried to see if i could spot maddy anywhere, and i finally did, and to my surprise.. she was talking to fezco.

i grabbed vic's arms, and jogged over to hide behind a little concession stand. "what the hell- holy shit, is that maddy?!"

i nodded, "yeah.. and fezco."

she furrowed her eyebrows, "i don't know-." i cut her off, "ashtrays brother."

she tapped her fingers on the metal, "ohhhhh... really? he's kind of cute."

i whipped my head around to her, "what happen to drug dealers being a bad idea?"

she rolled her eyes, "i'm fourteen! that's a case, val."

i rolled my eyes and turned back to maddy and fezco, watching him hand her a ticket and then and then walked off, and i quickly got up. is she buying drugs?

"cmon, vic, we gotta spy." i told her, sending fezco a small wave and hurrying off towards the way maddy went.

i stopped in my tracks when she stopped, and then i saw cassie. "hey." , "hey." , "you not havin fun?" , no." , "me neither.. you wanna do molly?"

"holy shit!" i exclaimed, and vic laughed, "maddys so cool." i ignored the stupid thing she just said, laughing a little, and followed behind her and cassie again.

again, me and victoria stopped when they did, and i covered my mouth to quiet the laugh that almost escaped my mouth. "well.. he's here."

seeing ashtray wearing an apron and a "pretzel mania" hat, was the funniest thing i've saw all week.

i watched cassie and maddy walk away, and pulled vic to hide with the group of people that were around, and then turned to her. "wanna go?"

she gave me a confused look, before realizing and shaking her head quickly, "what?! no. fuck no."

i rolled my eyes, gripping her arm and dragging her over to the pretzel stand. "no- seriously, val!"

"so it's true?" i put my hands on the pretzel stand to lean myself up. and watched as ashtray turned around, before sighing when he saw me. "you a stalker or some shit?"

i furrowed my eyebrows, "i asked if you were gonna be here."

he shrugged, leaning on the metal part, victoria awkwardly standing behind us.

"so.. the rumors.. you are actually a drug dealer?" i asked, leaning closer to whisper 'drug dealer'

he gave me an irritated face, "are you wanting to buy something or are you just bothering me?"

i smiled, "i don't know, bothering you seems fun."

he shook his head, and i quickly grew awkward with the silence, and i didn't know what to ask him.. so i talked the metal twice, "see ya later, ashtray." and waved, walking off with victoria again.


time passed, i was tired and couldn't find maddy, so me and victoria were sat on a bench not far from the pretzel stand.

i sent fezco another wave as he walked passed, but surprisingly, he stopped and turned around, making vic sit up.

"yo." he greeted us, and i nodded in response. "y'all good? where your sister?" he asked both of us and then me.

i shrugged, "i don't know, i can't find her."

he nodded, "well.. do y'all have a ride home? me and ash bout to leave."

i knew was he was getting at.. offering us a ride home. and my choices were, accept the ride and get yelled at by maddy, or wait.. and probably end up walking.

i turned to vic, and she sent me a small nod. "nope, i think maddy left with nate."

he gave a motion for us to stand up, "i can give y'all ride.. if y'all want."

i smiled and stood, vic following close behind. "thank you." we both thanked him, following behind him as he got ash and closed the pretzel stand.

i sent ashtray a sarcastic smile and wave as he walked out of the truck, and he shook his head with a little smile, which made me feel like i just won something.. i made the kid smile.. aw.

i patted his back as victoria and i followed behind him and fezco to his car, "we get to be buddies for a little bit longer."

he scoffed, flipping me off and getting into the front seat.


i'm tired


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