“What?” she blurted out.

“And this is a direct quote, will you, Chelsea Johnson be her bridesmaid? She asked me too. This is so exciting.” I squealed not even giving Chelsea  time to respond.

“Wow this is really exciting. Do we know the dates or anything yet?” she asked sounding less than enthused.

“Chels you okay? You don't sound like a pumped up bridesmaid.”

“I’m just worried this whole thing with Heartford won't be over yet. I mean its been what, almost 3 weeks since I left and I haven't heard anything about where he is or if he is even aware me and Harry broke up.”

“Chelsea every single person in the world knows you broke up. Its all over twitter and the tv and stuff. There is no way in hell he would be going after Harry anymore. It will be fine.” I reassured her.

“I really hope you're right. “ she sighed into the phone.

“Well I’ll try and figure out the dates with Eleanor and let you know asap but I do know they are trying to have a engagement party sometime at the end of the month. I'm not sure if I can go but I'm going to try! Do you think you'll go?”

“Probably not. I just don't think it would be safe.”

“Okay well Love you kido and we will talk soon. Boss is coming to take me to lunch with a client so I gots to go. Sweet dreams.” I said hoping to boost her spirits.

“Love you too Charlotte, have a good day.” she giggled into the phone.

The wedding wasn't going to be for months so hopefully Chelsea would be back with Harry. We didn't need two sets of awkward exes. Maybe by then I would even be able to have a conversation with Niall.

Harry POV

Time seemed to drag on agonizingly slow since I first read Chelsea’s email. It had been a couple of weeks full of unanswered phone calls. Chelsea had covered all the bases too. She swore my family, her friends, her family, everyone into secrecy. She had virtually disappeared off the face of the earth and I couldn’t do anything about it.

“You know your life is over. The engagement party is it, last chance of being single cause when everyone knows that it's official you're fucked.” Zayn chuckled as dodged one of Louis playful punches as we sat around waiting for a PR meeting to start.

“Its true though.”Niall joked.

“I'll be just fine you wankers as long as my best man is there. Eleanor wanted me to remind you that its friday.” Louis said tossing a wadded up ball of paper at me.

I looked up from the table “Oh yeah. I'll be there.” I mumbled.

“Harry, you look awful when is the last time you took a shower? Or slept?” Liam’s all too familiar

“papa direction” concerned voice chimed in. I couldn’t remember the last time I had showered or slept for that matter. Nothing had meaning without her.

“Or ate? Harry we are all worried about you.” Niall walked past me and sat down on the chair next to me resting his hand on my shoulder. I sat there unaffected by their conversation locked in my daze.

“Do you want to talk about it or anything for that matter cause you haven't been yourself in weeks.” Liam said glancing from me to the other lads.

“Harry, mate, please just talk to us.” Zayn pleaded.

“Guys, I have to find her. I can’t live without her.” I finally muttered still locked in my daze.

Growing Up or Falling Down? (Completed1DSequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant