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"What are you going to sing mama?" Josh asked Taylee with a smirk.

"I don't know, Joshua! All I know is I'm going to have to be really drunk to do this." Taylee said.

"That's kinda the point." Sam chimed in.

"No offence Taylee but I'm a little sad I'm going to miss it." Jita smiled at her.

"Alright! Let's just get off the subject for now! Where are we going to eat?" Taylee changed the subject.

"What about that nice steakhouse we went to last year while we were writing?" Jake suggested.

"Yeah that was amazing! What was that place called? Something with an A..." Josh was playing with his facial hair as he always did when we was thinking.

"The Alabi?" Sam asked. "No.."

"The Alamo!" Danny said.

"Ahhh that's the one!" Jake snapped his fingers. "Let's go there. Sound good girls?"

The girls agreed so that is where they went. They all enjoyed their steak dinners (other than Sam of course) and Taylee got a head start on her alcohol for her karaoke night ahead. They headed back to the cabin so Jita could go back home.

"I'm not ready to go yet." Jita said with a sad face.

"That's alright, babe. I'll come see you again soon." Jake put his arm around her.

"I know. It's just so nice to be able to be out here with all of you without any distractions and just enjoying the time together." 

"I agree, Jita. It's going to be really hard to leave tomorrow too. It helps that Josh will be going with me, but I still don't want it to end." Taylee said receiving a kiss on the cheek from Josh. "I've really gotten to know all of you. I just wish we could all live together all the time."

"Oh no. You don't want that, Tay. We'd kill each other. Ask our mother." Sam said.

"He's right. But that's a sweet thought." Jake smiled at Taylee.

When they arrived back at the cabin Jita went out to the tent to get her things together. Jake went out to help her while Danny decided to start packing his things. Sam and Hannah went outside doing who knows what and Taylee and Josh went downstairs to the studio to start working on taking it apart. Taylee put Jake's guitar back in it's case and started picking up the notebooks on the table to put back in the box.

"Wait! Leave those out!" Josh put his hand out to stop her.

"What? Why? I thought you guys were done?" she asked confused.

"Well, I... uh... have to help Jake with something tonight." 

"Oh? Without the others? What's that?"

"Nothing important." Josh said turning away from her in hopes that she wouldn't see the nervous look on his face.

"Josh, we may not have been together long but I know when you're being suspicious. Spill it." she said with her hands on her hips.

"Alright alright. But you have to swear not to tell anyone. This stays between me and you."

"Of course, Joshy."

"Jake is going to propose to Jita and he wants me to help him write a song to sing to her as he does it."

Taylee's face lit up in a huge smile. "That's amazing! I'm so happy!" 


"Sorry." she whispered. "The other boys don't know?"

"No, Jake wants to keep it quiet so they don't make a big deal about it. And you don't either! It's a secret!" 

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