Writer's Block & Fireworks

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The next few days were all quite similar. Taylee read books while the boys worked on their music and Hannah played her guitar trying to find new material for her next album.

Today Taylee sat on the couch reading her book and drinking her coffee. Josh comes and sits next to her.

"I can't do it, mama." he said laying his head in her lap. She puts her book on the table next to her.

"Can't do what, Joshy?" She asks beginning to run her fingers through his curly hair.

"I can't write anymore. I guess you could say I've found a writer's block."

"Oh come on, Joshy. I've never known you to be out of words." Josh laughed.

"Well I suppose hell has frozen over then. I can't think of any damn lyrics! Jake has this awesome riff and I can't come up with anything to match it."

"You always speak from your heart, Joshy. So what is it saying right now?"

"I don't know, mama. But you playing with my hair feels really good."

"Maybe this is what you need."

"You know what my heart feels?" he asked sitting up and looking at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Love. An abundance of love for you."

"Aww, Joshy. The love in my heart matches yours. Remember? The stars aligned when we met."

"The stars aligned..." Josh repeated her words. "That's it!" He stood up quick and started running down the stairs. She heard him stop then run back up to her. 

"You just helped me finish this song. Thank you, mama. I love you so much." He kissed her.

"I love you too. Now go finish this song!"

Josh ran back downstairs to the makeshift studio the boys had created in the basement. She could hear him excitedly telling the boys he knew the main verse for the chorus. She could hear him singing "the stars aligned when you became mine" which went perfectly with the music. She couldn't help but smile. She picked up her book and continued reading.


A couple of hours later Jake came up the stairs talking on the phone. 

"You're able to come early? That's great! I can't wait to see you. I love you." He hung up.

"Jita?" Taylee asked.

"Yeah, her boss decided to let her leave the conference early so she is on her way here."

"Great! I can't wait to meet her! She must be really sweet the way everyone talks about her."

"I sure think so. We're getting pretty hungry down here. All this writing really makes the stomach growl. I think Sam might keel over if he doesn't eat soon."

"That boy is always starving." she laughed. "I'll go grab Hannah and we will make dinner."

"You guys are the best." He smiled at her then walked back downstairs.

Taylee got up off the couch and walked out to the back porch where Hannah sat playing her guitar and writing down chords in a notebook.

"How's it going?" Taylee asked as she closed the door behind her.

"Same as usual. I think I like something then I play it again and hate it." Hannah said smiling.

"Jake's hungry. He says Sam is about to keel over from starvation."

"Isn't he always?" Hannah laughs. "What do you have in mind?"

"I have a family recipe for a chicken pasta bake I thought we could try. We can leave part without meat for Sam of course."

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