There was a small muted silence down the other end.


"Yep I'm still here you know. Doing a celebratory dance in Jake's room all alone. OH MY GOOOOOODDDD CEEEECCCCIIILLLYYY MMIIILLLLERRRR do you know what this means!"

"Yeh that he loves me?"

"Well obviously that stupid but he loves you. James actually loves you! When Jake told me he loved me for the first time my heart stopped and I thought for the first time I am the only one he thinks about or wants."

I began to smile and started to dance as well.

"I take it from you raspy breathing down the phone you are dancing as well Cec."

We both began to laugh and I sat back down again.

"I didn't say it back."

"Oh don't worry about that. Niether did I. Not for another fortnight. I wanted to wait for a really special moment so he knew that he was the only one I thought about or wanted too!"

"How didn't I know any of this Mia?"

"I told you about it but you never fully understand how it feels until you feel it too. Which you finally do."

"I don't know how I feel though, him, I mean we're just burgh its confusing but what I'd do without you Mia I don't know. Make sure you're back on the first of October thats when my show is."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

She sniggered before following in a low husky voice

"I love you."

I began to laugh and tutted before returning the statement.


"Thanks Jim, thank god its getting warmer!"

"Your more than welcome Cecily. I know!"

"Hey I know this sounds a bit odd but my boss, Chris, he's leaving and he's putting on a show to exhibit some of his art collections. He wants to put mine in there too. If you'd like to come along with your family Jim that would be great. It would be nice to see a familiar face there for some support."

"I'd love too! I'll tell my wife tonight. When is it?"

"8pm, the first of october. Thanks Jim."

I placed a soft kiss on his cheek before hearing him chuckle. He was a cheerful old man. He was African American and had the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. I often see his wife Emily working outside the local bookshop. I sometimes eat lunch with her as she tells me wondrous stories about books she has read. Most of the elder people in my life act more as inspirations to me rather than anything else. I'd given Chris 4 paintings and 2 sculptures which he was delighted to receive, he told me his soul would be fed for years on these.


I glanced at the time on my phone and texted James, 'Mr. Teach where are you? x" I thought about earlier and it warmed my heart. I began to tightly braid small segments of my blonde long hair and fasten them with clear hair ties.


My phone buzzed 'Miss Miller I am on my way over now. I just had to pick something up on my way round. I hope you haven't been a bad girl today or Mr. Teach will have to set that straight. x'

I laughed at the thought of him coming home and punishing me.

'If you want me to be bad I can be Mr Franco. You know that.I'll be waiting for you. x'

Till next timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن