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4K REEEAAADDDSSS THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! LUCIFER AND I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! So I'm thinking about doing a Supernatural/Sherlock crossover fic. Should I? Anyway, Ciao!
-DD! 😄

(Destabriferazar has joined the chat)

Heyyy -DW

Woah, what the fuck -SW

This is...different -C

What the fuck did you do Charlie -G

Haha, very funny. -S

(Satan has changed his name to Lucifer)

Screw satan. -L

Okay -M

(Michifer has left the chat)

Well, now what? -B

Now is the time where we usually sing horrible parodies of songs. -C

Excuse me, amazing parodies* -DW

They are pretty amazing. -SW

Why am I even here? -AM-W

Are you going by Milligan or Winchester? -DW

Well, usually, I'd go after my alive parent. -AM-W

Haha, very not funny. -SW

Too soon. -DW


John was never a father to me. My mom was the only one who took care of me constantly. John only came around every once in a while to take me to a carnival or something. Since they died, you guys have been the only ones who took care of me. And you're Winchesters. So I guess, yeah, I'm a Winchester. -AM-W

(Charlie Bradbury has changed Adam Milligan-Winchester's name to Adam Winchester)

one of us. One of us. ONE OF US. ONE OF US! OONNEE OOFF UUSS!! -SW

Shut up Samantha -DW

Welcome to the Winchester family, Adam. It's only fun if you have supernatural powers, otherwise you die. -C

Shut up. -SW

Haahahah -G

Funny. -LW

Hey Cas, we still haven't decided what name were using. Are we going with Novak? Or a mix? Or still Winchester? -DW

Novak was my vessel's name. -C

Your vessel is you, Cas. Remember? Jimmy's dead. -DW

Don't remind me. -C

Sorry hon. I just want to know, that's all -DW

Novchester? Winvak? Winchevak? Winchestvak? Winchestovak? Novakchester? Novaker? -SW

I like the idea of a mix, but I'm yours, Dean. Sure I gripped you tight and raised you from perdition, but you were the one that gripped me tight and pulled me down with you. In more ways than one. 😉 -C

Meh heart. It's not functioning right -SW

Are you alright!? -G

Shut up Gabe -SW


Enough of the lovey dovey crap already. -DW

Do you know the muffin man? -AW

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