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101 7 3

Smut warning at the very end. Not anything scarring, but lots of dirty talk.

(Destabriel and Charlie has joined the chat)
Dean: hey Gabe how's the babay
Gabe: fuck you
Sam: been there done that
Cas: Well, he has.
Dean: whatever
Gabe: she's fine.
Cas: What is her name?
Gabe: Lucy.
Sam: shut the fudge up, Gabe
Dean: really.
Gabe: Sam.
Sam: GABE.
Gabe: Grace.
Gabe: the child has no gender, therefore we shall not name it.
Dean: why not? I mean, you can chose a gender fluid name like Alex or Sam
Sam: stfu
Gabe: no, it's because...she was a stillborn...
Sam: yeah...
Dean: oh. oh my god, I'm so sorry you guys.
Dean: I'm so fucking sorry that happened to you
Sam: yeah, it sucks.
Gabe: she was beautiful...
Sam: shh Gabe don't cry
(Sabriel has left the chat)
Cas: That is horrible.
(Chuck has joined the chat)
Chuck: you called.
Dean: omfg
Chuck: I'm here
Cas: hello, father. I am rather pleased to see you here again. How's Becky?
Chuck: oh shut up Cas
Cas: rude
Dean: s'cuse me
Chuck: what. Do. Ya. Need?
Dean: Gabe and Sam had a stillborn. Can you bring her back?
Chuck: I can, but I won't.
Cas: why?
Chuck: because, she would've caused great destruction to the world. She would've teamed up with Crowley, killed Sam, and held you all captive, as she would become a knight of hell.
Dean: well.
Cas: interesting.
Chuck: I can, however, use her genes to recreate a new child.
(Sam and Gabe turned off their invisibility)
Sam: please do that.
Chuck: okey dokey
Dean: ha. I like him, he says okey dokey
Sam: shut UP Dean
Cas: shut up, Sam
Gabe: *growles*
Cas: *hisses*
Gabe: I'll rip off your flesh.
Cas: I'll suck your blood out.
Gabe: strip you of your wings.
Cas: rip out your grace.
Gabe: tear you bloody.
Cas: make you scream.
Gabe: twist your bones and make you shout.
Cas: Do not use those words.
Gabe: I can make you scream.
Cas: I can make you do a lot of things.
Gabe: I can make you beg.
Cas: I can make you groan.
Gabe: I can make you sob.
Cas: I can make you feel things.
Gabe: *growles*
Cas: y'know, I'm not into incest, but... yeah...
Gabe: I get you.
Cas: you better get me.
(Cas and Gabe!?!? have left the chat)
Dean: I-
Sam: shh. just let it happen.
Chuck: what the actual HELL
Dean: oh look, the gabestiel shippers.
Sam: what?
Dean: the shippers. People really like the supernatural book series. They started shipping Destiel. Some people even shipped sastiel, gabestiel, samifer, Dean/Michael, Dean/Adam, Dean/Benny/Cas, Dean/Benny, wincestiel, and of course, wincest. There are so many more, though...
Sam: that's fucked up.
Dean: and then, there's FANFICTION!!! T&S, for one. There are so many FRIGGEN fan fictions out there...
Sam: where.
Dean: try Wattpad, Archive Of Our Own, fanfiction.net, livejournal, and tumblr are a few. Google helps.
Dean: same bruh
Sam: do you think Cas would be willing to...idk...wincestiel?
Dean: wtf, man!? Gabe would kill us.
Sam: ..he could join...
Dean: maybe.
(Dean and Sam have left the chat)
Chuck: what the hell did I create...
(God has left the chat)
Charlie: I can't hack in anymore..
(Charlie has left the chat)
(Gabe and Cas have rejoined the chat)
Cas: I can't believe we did that.
Gabe: believe it, Cassie. Maybe next time our boy toys can join.
Cas: dean's not my boy toy.
Gabe: bitch, please.
Cas: I don't understand. Who is the bitch and why are you pleasing for them?
Gabe: I think you mean pleading.
Cas: I, uh, autocorrect.
Gabe: sure. How fast can you recover?
Cas: already done.
(Gabe has invited Dean and Sam to the chat)
Dean: dammit, what?!
Gabe: we're ready if you wanna go.
Cas: boys, if you wanna go, we would not mind...
Sam: did. did you just make an sing reference?
Cas: yes.
Dean: I'm so proud. But yeah, I'm down.
Sam: sure. Where are you guys?
Cas: we'll take the party to you, big boy.
Dean: Cas if you don't get your ass over here right now I'll come in my damn pants from you dirty talking like a fucking pornstar.
Cas: so impatient! I'll have to...punish you...for that...
Dean: hhooly shit Cas
Cas: 😉
Sam: are you guys even
Gabe: even? Well, considering I fucked Cas into oblivion, I think we're good. As long as he doesn't threaten to steal my grace. I need that for marathon sex with Sam, Cassie.
Cas: that's not what he meant.
Gabe: oh Cassie, I get all tingly when you take control like that.
Cas: so demanding, I'll definitely have to punish you now.
Gabe: how many times should we put off their orgasms?
Cas: we need to make them beg.
Gabe: make them scream our names.
Cas: more than five, at least.
Sam: oh shit
Dean: I'm so fuckng hard
Sam: DEAN!
Cas: you're hard? wow, little Dean just can't wait, can he?
Dean: Cas, how the hell are you this good at dirty talk?
Cas: honey, I've always been good at it. You've heard it before in the dark.
Dean: you're so sexy
Cas: yeah, I am. I bet you want me.
Dean: I do, I want you so bad...
Cas: then take me.
(Destabriel has left the chat)

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