162 | The Informant

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     "How else am I going to contact you?" Keigo defends. But before Max could get even angrier at him, Keigo quickly says, "Well, I was able to find that Abel guy for you so you should at least give me some credit."

    "I would, but you're late. You told me to meet you here at 7:00 but you're still not—" Max pauses when he spots a familiar man walking towards him.

     "Sorry, had to buy you some coffee as compensation," Keigo says on the phone as he walks in front of Max, happily waving at him while he showed Max the coffee he was holding.

     Max sighs and ends the call before approaching Keigo.

     "The line was a bit long, but here. It's hard to interrogate someone with an empty stomach," Keigo says as he hands Max the coffee that he bought.

     Max sighs but takes the coffee anyway. "I already ate breakfast, but thank you."

    Keigo was surprised that Max actually thanked him, but before acting all happy, he clears his throat and quickly changes the subject. "Anyway, looks like we're just on time. After some research, I found out that Abel Henedy is working in this company as an intern. Apparently, his father is an executive director here so he probably got the internship thanks to him," Keigo explains as the two of them started walking toward the building.

     Max takes a sip of his coffee first before looking back at Keigo. "So do we just go in and ask to meet with him?"

     "There's a possibility that he'll decline to meet up with two complete strangers, that's why I checked his schedule and found out his work starts at 8:30 AM. He usually arrives during this time so we'll just ambush him," Keigo reveals, making Max give him a strange look.

     "Your hacking skills are way too terrifying," Max comments.

     "Well thank you," Keigo replies, and Max just rolls his eyes and takes another sip of his coffee, letting Keigo carry out his master plan without any complaints.

     "Alright, let's just wait near the entrance. I already know what he looks like so when we see him, we'll block him and force him to come with us," Keigo suggests as the two of them hid behind a bush.

     "I didn't really want to say anything but...What the fuck are we, kidnappers?!" Max angrily asks, but Keigo just shushes him as he starts squatting down, which was pointless since people could still see them from behind.

     Max sighs and just stood beside Keigo while finishing his coffee. He doesn't know why he's even in this type of situation, and honestly, after everything he's done, this was the strangest so far. Max was just glad that he was wearing his glasses or he would have died in embarrassment.

     The two continued to hide behind the bushes while waiting for the ex-club leader of Omega Society. After a couple more minutes, Max eventually finished his coffee. He was about to ask Keigo if they still had to wait long, but then Keigo suddenly grabs his arm and tells him, "There! That's him!" Keigo points at a guy who just stepped out of a black car, wearing a navy blue suit while holding a suitcase. Keigo was about to run to where he was, but Max quickly pulls him back and says, "Stop, someone's approaching him."

     Keigo stopped as Max commanded. The guy they were waiting for, Abel, walks towards the building with a serious expression, but then an older-looking man approaches him, and the two of them went inside the building together.

     "Damn it, we missed our shot," Keigo complains.

     "Well, there goes your genius plan," Max sarcastically tells him.

     "What now?" Keigo then asks, and Max takes a deep breath and throws his empty coffee cup inside the bin. "Alright, we did your plan so now it's my turn," Max says as he removes his sunglasses, surprising Keigo. Max then starts walking inside the building with no care while Keigo followed behind him, unsure if it was alright for two teenagers to just enter a company like that.

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