Break Out - Chapter 1

Comincia dall'inizio

I wake up with a throbbing headache, Anthro's are Ficken Strong.

I sit up, and look around. The room I was in had a Single Metal door, grey Concrete wall, a Small slit of a window, and a table. On the table was a Tray of food, Canned Chili and
Assorted greens, and a Cup of water.

I look down to what I'm wearing, and I still have one thing they didn't take off me.

I reach Into a pocket on my vest, and pull out a Grenade. I start screwing the bottoms off, but hear a click behind me.

Reign: "H-Hello?"

I turn slowly, seeing Reign in a uniform, with a gas mask, similar to mine.

Me: "... Hit ze deck if you want to live. Aufweidersein mein Freund."

I pull the pin on the grenade, and Reign drops to the floor.


But no explosion came. It was a mother fuckin dud.

I hear slow clapping, and see a Feline-like furbag walk in. They wore a Grey Uniform, had 2 General's Stars on their shoulder, and a noticeable bullet Scar on their thigh.

General Furbag: "Good show, you just proved something."

Me: "What? That it will be fun to fuckin torture me? And don't tell me you don't fucking torture prisoners. I helped liberate Kyiv. 2000 men, women, and Children were killed there in a day."

The general seemed a bit surprised about what I said.

Me: "There we're even some Of your kind fucking furbags. So tell me, are you gonna let me finish myself, or are you gonna send me to a prison to be tortured and starved."

General: "... A Beyond-Uraller, in the Southern Woodlands, Leading Other People into battle... Took one of us Prisoner, Got Taken Prisoner, and now attempted Suicide via Grenade out of fear of being tortured."

Me: "Beyond-Uraller? Southern Woodlands? I'm a German Fighting in America. Get your damn Terminology right."

The general seemed to be Contemplating, Or thing of their options... Reign came up to me, and handed me the cup of water front the Tray. I pull my mask up a little bit, and take a drink.

I slip the mask back on and see the general walk out, Reign following suit.

I hear muffled talking outside, and Reign and an armed guard come in.

Reign: "Follow me Please."

Me: "What? Gonna finally use the firing squad on me?"

Guard: "The General wants you. Maggot."

We went to hit me with the Butt of his rifle, but I grabbed it, disarmed him, and hit him over the head.

I turned to run out the door, but got Pistol-whipped in the face by Reign, breaking the lens of my mask. I luckily closed my eyes in time, avoiding being blinded.


Reign: "You! Get a medic In here!"

It all started to go blurry, I think she gave me a concussion.

-half a hour later-

I was Strapped to a hospital bed, Bandages on my face from the Numerous cuts from glass riddling my face.

There were 2 armed guards, each armed with Dual pistols.

Well there goes my 'Daring escape from Stalag 13-'


Well, there goes my escape from here.

The general came in, looking pissed as fuck.

General: "Y'know, You Flat-Faces are tough bastards when it comes to cooperation."

Me: "Heh, wouldn't be my first escape from armed guards."

General: "Oh? Care to enlighten me?"

Me: "No, no I dont think I will"

The general walks off, absolutely livid. I look around, and see another human here, he's definitely in worse condition than me. 2 Gunshot wounds by the looks of it.

I look closer, and realize it's the Corporal, Corporal Freimann. The one from Seattle.

Me: "Korporal Freimann, sind Sie das?" (Corporal Freimann, is that you?)

C. Freimann: "Leutnant Schmidt? Sie haben dich auch erwischt?"
(Lieutenant Schmidt? They caught you too?)

Me: "Ja, ich habe auch versucht zu fliehen, und nun ja ... jetzt bin ich hier." (Yeah, and I tried to escape too, and well.... Now I'm here.)

Poor bastard was only 19. If I'm getting out, I'm bringing him with me. No Matter the Risk to myself.

No. Matter. The. Risk.

[I only upload to Wattpad, if this is on any other site it is without my Consent]

Through Blood, iron, and FurDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora