12| Slow Down

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Barron's family began to show up. His older sister's face was red and she had a baby boy on her hip. She stood beside a very large man who I assume is their father. Barron inherited some features from him for sure. They shared similar honey-colored eyes and cheekbones.

After about three hours a doctor finally came out. I sat in the corner alone as he spoke with Barron's family. I carefully analyzed all their faces. I felt like bursting into tears when I saw all of their faces look relieved.

He was okay.

Brianna walked over to me and pulled me into another hug. She's probably hugged me a thousand times tonight alone.

"Thank you so much." She said into my ears.

I watched as a group of people approach us.

"Hey Bevy, Levi. This is Farrah." Briana said introducing me to Barron's siblings.

Bevy charged at me and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Thank you! Thank you so much. You saved my brother's life." She said holding back her tears.

Bevy had short jet black hair and squinty eyes. She's a pretty woman, and I can tell she has a serious aura about her. In a way, she reminds me of Sunny.

Bevy pulled away, and Levi hugged me after. "He was just as appreciative of me saving his brother.

"It's no problem... really," I said nervously. "So what did the doctor say? Is... is Barron okay?" I asked cautiously. I know it was an intrusive question, but for my sanity, I needed to know if Barron is okay.

"He's fine. His blood pressure was through the roof, and his stress levels were high. He's been working nonstop for years. It was only a matter of time before something like this happens." Briana spat. "He's an idiot." She added.

"He's probably going to give us a lot of pushback, but he's going to have to take a vacation," Levi said sternly.

I could see how Barron and Levi are related. They have the same features, but Barron has a more "manly" look about him.

I rubbed my hands together, and I began to feel nauseous. Tonight was insane. From bailing Yolanda out after beating up my ex-fiancé mistress to finding Barron passed out. I was mentally exhausted.

"I should probably go," I said rubbing my arm.

Briana quickly shook her head. "No, you should stay."

I smiled at Briana. She is so kind. I slowly shook my head. It was a really emotional night for me. I didn't want to spend the night alone in my apartment, so I called Graham to pick me up. I needed a drink.

"Alright, so how many hours of sleep would you say you get a night

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"Alright, so how many hours of sleep would you say you get a night." The doctor asked me in a stern voice.

Two young nurses stood behind her. One of them was staring at me in a flirtatious matter. She was a pretty girl. She had curly jet-black hair and a face full of makeup. She was obviously attracted to me.

THE RISK (+18)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora