3| Casual Attire

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"Dammit." I groaned in agony.

I reached for my phone to turn off the aggravating sound of my alarm. There was no way it was already time to wake up. I felt as if I slept for two hours. I glanced at the time on my phone, and sure enough, it was 6 am.

Originally, I set my alarm to 4:30 am to fit in a run at the gym before work, but I changed my mind. As much as I hate going to the gym in the evening, that's just what I am going to have to do.

I stared at the ceiling for a few moments contemplating whether or not leaving the warm and comfortable feeling from under my blanket was worth it. Eventually, I rolled out of my bed and slowly made my way to my bathroom.

I switched on the light and the brightness from the lights intensified my headache. My brain felt like it was on fire inside of my skull. I've been struggling with these migraines for quite some time now. They started getting progressively worse when I started playing college football.

I've been meaning to go to the doctor to get that checked out. The thing is, right now, I can't. I just don't have the time at the very moment. So for now, I just work through the pain like I always do.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and began to get dressed. When I walked out of my apartment I had an incoming call from my mom. Immediately, I picked it up.

"Hey, mom," I said calmly. "Hey, baby." Her raspy voice said from the other line.

Years of chain smoking cigarettes will do that to you.

It was nice hearing her voice. My parents got divorced when I was in middle school. Although we lived with our dad after the divorce, we all have a pretty good relationship with our mom, well, for the most part. She made the decision to move back to Mexico a couple of years ago.

"I just spoke to Beverly and Levi. I told them the big news." She said in an upbeat mood. I looked at my watch to see the time, I was running a little behind, which is not like me. "What news?" I asked sticking the key in the ignition to my brand new Audi I purchased a couple of days ago.

"Juan and I are buying a house together. We are going to have it built from scratch." She said excitedly.

With what money?

I was tempted to ask her about where she is going to get the funds for this house that they are purchasing, but that will just lead to a fight.

Anything my mom asks of me, I will do it. As of lately, she's been straddling the fence of taking advantage. It's not intentional at all. I send her money every month, and she spends it all on the family. Just last week she bought a $3000 dress for the neighbor's daughter-in-law who she has never even met.

She is just a giving person. If she could, she would buy the entire village something on her dime. That's just the type of person she is.

"What does Juan have to say about this?" I asked as cautiously as I can trying my best not to anger her.

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