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Damon glances down at me and chuckles.

"This man has officially lost it," He says. Damon grabs my hand and we walked away.

The drive to my place was silent and awkward.

" I was wondering" He finally broke the silence, I hummed "If you would like to work with me?" I tilted my head.

"You want me to work WITH you not FOR you?" Damon shakes his head.

"You can be the Executive spouse" I couldn't help but smile at that title.

"I'll think about it"


"And so Cassie divorced him right after you quit?" I nodded my head making Maddie smack her lips.

"Even in situations like this, she's stealing the thunder"

"Do you think we should forgive her?" Maddie slowly turns to me— her eyebrows raised and her lip curled.

"HELL NO. I don't even know why you're asking that dumb question" We both start laughing.

"Next time I see her I'm going to fight her" I glanced at Maddie and chuckled.

"Okay Maddie"  She suddenly smacks her lips and she smiles.

"So since we're talking about that thing. I wanted to tell you something" I scooted closer as I could see her smiling.

"You know...Cassie has a half-brother right?" I raised my eyebrows. "No I thought she was the only girl" Maddie nodded her head.

"Yep, she's the only girl her father has. Because she's just like her dad" I covered my mouth attempting to hold in my laughter.

"So like father like daughter?" Maddie nods her head and we both laughed a bit.

"Anyways..so it turns out Cassie has a half brother..And I might've slept with him the night we got drunk" I didn't like where this was going.

"So we've gone on multiple dates..like a lot. And it turns out. We went to school with him and he was on the baseball team" I still couldn't recognize who she was referring to, but I just nodded my head.

"Anyways. I might be pregnant" The sudden confession caught me off guard. She pulled out a pregnancy test and I gasped.

"You're not joking right?" She nodded her head no. I didn't know what to say. Different emotions consumed my body, but I was happy for her. All I could do was hug her tightly.

"I'm speechless!" She starts to laugh loudly. She shows me her stomach and I looked up at her in shock.

"How many weeks?" "I'm about to be 13 weeks" I glanced at her.

"I'll give you 2k if it's twins" We shook on it. Before either of us could say anything my phone starts ringing. It was Damon.


"Yeah...are you free tomorrow afternoon?" I looked at Maddie. "Yes? Why?"

"I want to take you out tomorrow if that's alright with you" His voice was raspy and deep; more seductive than usual. I couldn't help but smirk. "Of course Damon" I could hear him laughing on the other end.

"Perfect..I'll see you around 5 then?" I said yes and we both hung up. Maddie was smiling ear to ear.

"Oh did I tell you he asked me to be his 'Executive spouse'?" Maddie's eyes went wide and she nearly choked on her drink.

"Don't you guys have to be married for that to work though?" My brain never processed the 'Spouse' part but the part where I was able to be working with him and staying by his side.

"Y/N what if-" I covered her mouth, I knew exactly what she was going to say and I wouldn't have an answer to that question.

Next chapter is going to be..good.

Tiktok: Swywattpad101

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗒, 𝐌𝐲 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋 Where stories live. Discover now