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♡Damon's little story♡

Y/N fell on Damon before she could turn around. Completely taken aback at this he didn't know what to do.

Damon looked around to see if he could recognize anyone she knew, but it was too dark to distinguish any familiar faces. Damon walked her to a random chair and she immediately slumped over and fell face-first onto the bar counter. He lifted Y/N back up but her head slammed right back onto the counter.

"Um, Jin," Damon says getting the bartender's attention. "Yes sir?"

"Have you seen her with anyone? Like a friend?" His eyes look away from Y/N to Jin's.

"No sir I haven't" Damon nodded his head and looked at Y/N's unconscious body. He sighed before tapping on her. Her eyes open and she lifts her head.

"Ah Damon," she says wrapping her arms around him. She puckers her lips and attempts to kiss him but he moved out of the way.

"Y/N your drunk"

Damon stood there for a moment. He wanted to leave her here but he knew it was wrong. Damon wanted to take her home but he had no clue where she lived.

He only had one option.


Damon stumbled into the door as Y/N's body was sliding to the floor. He managed to pick her back up and shut the door at the same time. "Please Y/N," He says in a tired tone. Y/N stumbles and falls onto the couch.

"What?" Her voice was weak and whiny. Damon ignored her and walked to his kitchen to get her some water. Filling up the glass he could hear Y/N groaning.

"Damon...Where is your bathroom?" Damon turned around and closes his eyes.Y/N had thrown up all over her dress. Damon immediately put the cup down and grabbed her hand. "Slow down," She says laughing. Damon takes her to the Bathroom, Y/N continues to throw up while Damon walks to his room and grabs some extra clothes, he grabbed an extra towel before going back to the bathroom.

"Shit shit" Damon was swearing under his breath the whole time as he watched Y/N throw up. He attempted to dampen the towel and wipe some of the throw-ups from her dress but it was too close to her chest so he stopped.

After about five minutes she stopped throwing up, her head was slumped over the toilet seat."Can you take your clothes off and put this on?"

Y/N lifts her head and stands up. "No" Damon scoffed a little.

"Y/N I'm not playing with you" He stands up and she looks up at him. "What are you going to do about it?" Damon said nothing but put the clothes on the counter and left.

He walked to his living room praying there was no throw-up, fortunately, there was none.

"Damon!" Y/N sung Damon walks back to the bathroom to see her changed into his clothes. He couldn't help but smile a little, he liked the way the close were loose on her body, making her look 10x cuter in his eyes.

Damon walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. He walks into the living room to see Y/N dancing. Dancing to what? Nothing, there was no music being played.

"Y/N drink this" She looks at him and snatched the water bottle out of his hand, and chugged the water down within seconds. "Can you read me a story?"

"If I read you a story will you go to sleep?" Y/N nodded her and plopped her body down on the couch.

"Okay so um..once upon a time" Before Damon could finish his sentence Y/N was snoring loudly. His eyebrow raises, thinking she's joking but she was sleeping.

Sighing in relief, Damon put a blanket over her and went into his room. He took a shower and put new clothes on. He looked at the time and it was 3 am.

"Finally some sleep" he mumbled, he lays down on his bed and takes a deep breath before closing his eyes.

"Damon?" His eyes opened immediately, he looks to see Y/N staring down at him. "Can I sleep with you?" "Yeah yeah just let me sleep"

Y/N jumps on the bed making Damon groan. "Y/N please go to sleep," He says finally looking at her. Her eyes were wide and it was obvious she wasn't planning on going to sleep anytime soon.

"Can we watch a movie?" Her words were still slurred as she attempted to find the remote in his room. Once she finds it she jumps back on the bed and makes him watch the Titanic.

About an hour in Y/N started to drift off to sleep. Damon took this time to turn off the tv, he puts the blanket back on top of Y/N and closed his eyes.

This was pretty long😭

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗒, 𝐌𝐲 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ