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♡ Slight Language, and Manipulation♡

Damon turns around and is met with Axel's pissed face.

"What are you-" "I'm not here to talk to you" Axel's angered eyes met mine.

"Why weren't you here today at work?"

"Because I got drunk last night and-" Axel shook his head in disbelief."Since when did you start drinking?" I fluttered my eyes in confusion.

"Since I turned 21?" I looked at Damon. "Why are you with him?!" He steps closer, making me scoot back in my seat.

"Because I want to?" This was starting to get absurd, why was he so bothered about the fact I wasn't at work? Why did it matter if I was out with Damon?
We were no longer dating so my actions should not bother him.

"Axel I think it would be better if you leave here" Damon stands up and gets between Axel and me.

"Or what?" Instantly after he asks that question you could hear a slur in his voice, was he drunk?

"Axel, can you please leave?" I ask rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"No" Axel shoves Damon. "Y/N don't tell me your falling for this dickhead?" He asks laughing. "He's just going to use you just like I used you" My heart stopped.

"Wait what is he talking about?" Axel laughs with joy, and Damon is lost in words. "He didn't tell you?!" Axel runs his hand through his hair before leaning his body on the wall.

"Axel no-" "The only reason why I dated you was because Damon liked you. I had no feelings towards you at all. But eventually, I did catch feelings for you, but that was only because you let me have sex with you." Axel chuckled— remembering the day he took your virginity like it was nothing.

"You were easy. All I had to do was comfort you with the little trauma you had going on and then BOOM. Your legs were wide open just for me. Your so easy that it's just funny" Axel shrugs his shoulder chuckling.

I was speechless, I couldn't even come to with the right set of words.

"Your first day of work...I called Damon and told him you were now working for me.. and the moment you left he said. And I quote. 'Let's make a deal. If I get her to have sex with me by the end of this week, you shut down your company. 2 million if I can't'"

I looked at Damon, the now guilt showing all over his face. My eyes went wide and I tried to fight the tears that wanted to leave my eyes.

"Did you really think anyone would be capable of loving you?" Axel laughs— laughing so hard he held onto his stomach.

My eyes became watery. I waited for Damon to answer but he said nothing. I stood up from my seat.

"Y/N let me explain" Damon grabs my hand and I snatched it away. My lip curled and I brushed past Axel who was still laughing.

"Is everything okay ma'am?" A waiter asked. I nodded my head and continued walking.

I called an Uber.

"Y/N please let me explain" Damon ran after me but I didn't want to hear him out.

Not only did I find out my ex used me, but the man I potentially almost started catching feelings for is doing the same thing.

My Uber came and I closed the door in Damon's face and told the Uber driver to drive off.

My mind was racing, my heart heavy. Why must I get treated like this? Why must my heartache the moment I want to be happy? Why couldn't I find someone who wanted to show true love? Someone who cared and did love me.Not just for my body. Why does my story always have a bad ending?

Is this the end? To be honest, I didn't expect this to happen and I'm the writer.

And sorry for the slow update, I've been working, and working on other stories :)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗆𝗒, 𝐌𝐲 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋 Where stories live. Discover now