Chapter 20

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(Y/N's POV)

I went to the Russo's sub station where I saw their "We're sorry, we're closed" sign flipped at 5 noon. That's odd, they close after dinner.

I knocked on the door several times. "Justin, open the door. Alex? Max?"

I attempted peeking through the window but it was all covered in wet newspaper. A shadow walked up to the window on the other side and pulled off one of the papers. I was greeted with a person in a knight suit, which made me jump.

"Sorry Y/N!" They pulled their helmet up, turns out it was Harper. She unlocked the door and told me to scurry inside. Then I got hit in the face with a punching glove.

"Shit! Harper, is this some sort of prank on me?" I snapped.

"Don't trigger any booby traps. They'll hurt." She warned me. "The government agencies took the Russo's away to some secret base. They refuse to let them go until they get wizard information from them."

"But exposing wizardry is the biggest rule in the wizard world." I remarked. "Well this is a great birthday."

"Exactly. Until they have a plan, they're stuck there."

What are we supposed to do? I don't know where the hell they went and honestly I think they're gonna find a way to live the rest of their lives there as plan b. What is Max thinking right now?

"I'll board up the windows, you watch upstairs." I was about to go through the exit.

"Y/N! Wait! I haven't unset it yet-" Harper yelled. I got hit in the face again.

"... I hate you, Harper."

"I love you too." She said half heartedly.

*Time skip March 6th, 12:48 pm

It's been almost 4 weeks without them and we started losing hope. Harper and I were playing Blackjack at one of the tables.

"Hit." Harper picked up a card. "Stick."

"Stick." We slapped our cards down on the table. "... Harper, you busted. 9+8+5 equals 22."

"Aw fish sticks." She said. Someone started banging on the door. I hid behind Harper as she picked up a water gun and pointed it at the door.

"Go away government agents! I have a soda gun and it's loaded with root beer!" Harper snarled.

"Root beer? Out of all weapons?" I gave her a disappointed look.

"Is now really the time?" She whispered.

"Harper, it's us. We escaped from the government guys." Mr. Russo yelled through the door.

"Im not falling for that. The real Russo's are too lame to escape from anywhere!" She replied.

"Harper, tone it down a little. You still live in their basement."

"Harper!" Alex banged on the door. "Open up! We'd flash in their but we don't have our powers. We only got back by hitching rides, taking busses and a lot of walking."

"You didn't walk at all!" Mason retorted. "You had me carry you like a camel! ... Love."

"Too lazy to walk? Aw Alex, it really is you!Hold on, I'll let you guys in. I just have to dismantle a bunch of booby traps I set to protect myself."

I purposely coughed into my arm.

"...And Y/N! Protect myself and Y/N!"

We took off all the traps and unlocked the door.

"Oh, it's so good to be home." Mrs. Russo walked in. Then she screamed before getting knocked out by the punching glove.

"Oops. We forgot to get rid of that one." Harper smiled awkwardly.

Loveable Idiot (Max Russo x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu