Chapter 22

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(Justin's POV)

I was not kidding with Max. I actually told Y/N at her apartment. I ran inside her room where she was on her phone in bed.

"Hey Y/N, guess what?" I asked her.

"Huh, what?" Y/N responded.


"You... oh, please don't make me play this game."

"Max wrote love letters to someone but it isn't finished or delivered yet. He denied it was meant for you but I honestly don't know if it's true."

"Well it depends, when was it made?"

"That's the thing, I don't know. He's dumb enough not to put the date on it."

She read the letters carefully one by one. "This bullshit is vague. Almost every girl plays a sport, talks about drama, and has an attitude."

I raised my eyebrow. Is it just not obvious? Y/N plays volleyball, talks about everything going on in her classes to Max, and shows attitude to everyone. How much clearer could it be?

"Thanks for wasting my time. Get out." She demanded. Vague letter my ass.

I purposely leave the letters in her room before I flashed back to my house. Then I was welcomed with Max waiting for me on the couch.

"You gave them to her didn't you?" He inquired.

"No, I gave it to her brother." I mocked.

"Why would you give it to her brother?"

I considered making a remark, realizing that he won't care what I say. Max just went upstairs. That's when an idea struck me.


"Maxi, you haven't gotten outside since that picnic." Y/N sat near the bar.

"So? It wasn't that long ago." He sat next to her.

"It's been almost 4 weeks!"

Hah, lovebirds. "Hey you guys, what's going on?"

"He called me over but I wanna go out today. Max refuses to." She sneered.

"Because of what happened last time!" He retorted.

"This is a different world! In here, no one will give a shit!"

They both started arguing in the restaurant as I slowly walked away from the problem and into the kitchen. How am I supposed to get them closer if they just argue all the time? I waited until Harper pulled them apart.

"Anyways," I continued. "I was thinking maybe you guys should go outside and possibly... go on a hot air balloon ride?"

"I'm down." Max agreed.

"Not fine with me. I'm afraid of heights." Y/N said.

He put his elbow on Y/N. "No you aren't! Cmon. It'll be fun."

"No it-" Max put more pressure on her shoulder. "Ow ow, alright! I'm in. Let go."

I was driving them both to an empty open field. Or at least what the reviews say. It was a 30 minute drive so I was living through hell hearing them fight over nothing. I look in the rear view mirror to see Max trying to sleep on her but she kept on pushing his head away.

"Y/N, cmon. Why would you let me sleep on you in the past but now you won't let me?"

"It's awkward for the rest of the ride because I'll have no one to talk to."

"Hey you have me!" I joined in.

"Well I don't want you to crash the car!"

I rolled my eyes and continued on the road. Maybe it's weird that I'm starting to notice Y/N getting annoyed by Max. It's strange because I thought she was over that.

After we arrived to the field, I flashed a hot air balloon infront of us and they both walked inside.

"Why aren't you getting in?" Max questions

"Good question." I closed the door and let the balloon fly up. "I'll see you at home!"

"Justin!" Y/N yelled. I pretended like I didn't hear her even if she constantly yelled my name a few times before giving up.


(Y/N's POV)

Justin walked off as the hot air balloon floated up. You know that one feeling in your stomach when you drop down a roller coaster? That's what I was going through at the moment.

"You set up this whole thing with Justin didn't you?" I asked.

"What? No!" Max denied.

"Quit the act. I was pretty straight forward when I rejected you."

"What if you set this up? You changed around me since that day on the beach."

"No I haven't, you're just starting to annoy me!"

We both got into an argument and refused to talk to each other for the next 5 minutes. Then Max tried getting out his phone.

"I don't have internet." He frowned.

"... dumbass."

"Says the girl who's afraid of heights."

My instincts slapped the hell out of Max and almost made him drop the phone off the edge. I continously said "I'm sorry" 15 times while holding his head to my chest. We both fell in the basket and laughed our asses off.

*10 minutes later

"I'm bored." Max whined.

"Flash out then. I'll just stay here for like 5 more minutes." I said.

"Fine." He waved his wand around and left the balloon. Then he flashed back in seconds later.

"Changed your mind?" I asked.

"I just found out Justin has a girlfriend."

I stopped what I was doing and stared at Max. It should hurt me but for some reason it didn't. "Psh, why would I care?"

"I can list a whole bunch of-"

I press my finger on his lips. "Shut it."

He moved my hand away and pulled me close. "Feisty, I see."

I chuckled awkwardly and slipped out his arms. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna float us back down to the ground."

I pull the flap that let's the hot air escape and we slowly sink down. We land in the same field and left the basket. I used magic to make the hot air balloon disappear.

"Wait, if you saw Justin at your house... that means he left." I groaned.

Max pulled out his wand. "Hello?" And in a blink, we arrived back at their loft. Justin walked in and sat back on the couch.

"So... Justin. Who's the lucky girl?" I questioned.

"What lucky girl? I'm not dating anyone." He remarked.

I gave Max a death stare. "Oh- uh- well- you see, I said that because..." He ran out the door and I chased after him.


A/N: slightly short chapter for today bc I have school, dancing, and swimming all until December so I won't have much time working on this

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